[SubPro-IRT] Documents for Review + Looking Ahead to ICANN79

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Wed Nov 15 13:15:48 UTC 2023

Dear members of the SubPro IRT,

First, we would like to thank you for your work and input during the three IRT meetings in Hamburg. We feel that we have made significant progress and are looking forward to more productive discussions both remotely and in-person. We are also looking already towards ICANN79 and we have indicated to our GNSO support team colleagues a desire to hold multiple IRT sessions again in Puerto Rico. We will keep you informed on how the planning is progressing.

Elisa is on a well deserved holiday this week and so, due to my sub-par calendaring skills, we will share an updated overview of upcoming meetings, including ASP and RSP sub-track meetings early next week.

On the upside, there are two documents I would like to share with you at this point:

  1.  Updated language on Topic 3 “Applications Assessed in Rounds<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ycEvRMTkvRBm1Pd-Tt7Ewf4DHw1dKvTXc7KxKesavGk/edit>” - you may recall we discussed this during ICANN78 and after some constructive feedback, we made some changes to the language. We will review the document during next weeks IRT call (21 November). A PDF is also attached for those with difficulties accessing google docs.
  2.  A document on ICANN org’s planning around the Continued Operations Instrument, following the Board’s non-adoption of recommendation 22.7 (see September 2023 Scorecard<https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/scorecard-subpro-pdp-board-action-10sep23-en.pdf>, p24) - see attached PDF. We believe it will be valuable to share this document with the GNSO Small Team Plus, too, though will leave that decision to Anne and others who patriciate in that group, too.

Please note, on 21 November we also plan to discuss ‘Application Comments’ (in addition to Applications in Rounds) and will circulate updated languages as soon as practical.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Very best. Lars

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