[SubPro-IRT] Topic 8: Conflicts of Interest revisions

Justine Chew justine.chew.icann at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 13:55:23 UTC 2023

Hello Antonietta,

Thank you for sharing the updated google doc on COI.

I am unable to attend the IRT call #11, so, I have taken the liberty of
raising some comments and
questions in the google doc for consideration, and will review the call
recording after for any follow up.

Would appreciate having my apology recorded for the call, thank you.

Kind regards,

On Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 00:22, Antonietta Mangiacotti <
antonietta.mangiacotti at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear IRT,
> Based on discussions at the SubPro IRT meeting, we have updated the draft
> Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Guidelines in the Applicant
> Guidebook. As noted during Tuesday’s call
> <https://community.icann.org/x/fJOZDg>, the sections were revised to
> broaden the scope and replace “Panelist” (previously defined as Evaluation
> Panelist, dispute resolution service provider panelist, or the ICANN IO)
> with the term “vendor” instead, which is used throughout the document to
> cover any provider or third-party contracted by ICANN org to support
> services or processes for the New gTLD Program, including but not limited
> to application evaluation, objection processes, or dispute resolution
> processes.
> While the type of work that vendors perform will vary, it is our belief
> that the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Guidelines ought to be
> the same for all vendors that ‘come in contact’ with applications. We look
> forward to continuing this discussion during next week’s IRT call.
> For ease of reference, the updated google doc is available for your review
> here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14d4ZTxjkr2-zimxsqpg675nZjRX1dAs_7hXZ9gAqShE/edit?pli=1
> Please note, in-line edits should be avoided. Feedback should be provided
> only via the comment function. We would greatly appreciate your input on
> the proposed revisions.
> Please let us know of any questions or concerns.
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Antonietta
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