[SubPro-IRT] Call for volunteers RSP, RST and ASP sub-tracks

HACKSHAW tracy HackshawT at upu.int
Thu Sep 28 17:10:33 UTC 2023


Confirming interest in participating in Topic 17 Applicant Support Program (ASP)


From: SubPro-IRT <subpro-irt-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Next Round Policy Implementation <NextRound_PolicyImplementation at icann.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2023 14:59
To: subpro-irt at icann.org <subpro-irt at icann.org>
Subject: [SubPro-IRT] Call for volunteers RSP, RST and ASP sub-tracks

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Dear All,

As mentioned during the last calls, we are looking for volunteers for three upcoming IRT sub-tracks as follows:

  *   Topic 6 | Registry Service Provider (RSP) Pre-Evaluation
  *   Topic 39 | Registry System Testing (RST)
  *   Topic 17 | Applicant Support [Program] (ASP)

Volunteers should be able to commit to participating in weekly meetings and be familiar with the relevant SubPro Final Report<https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/final-report-newgtld-subsequent-procedures-pdp-02feb21-en.pdf> recommendations and subject matter.

We expect to launch these sub-tracks late in Q4 this year or early in Q1 next year. More information on the exact timeline will be provided in due course.

Should you be interested in joining one or more sub-tracks, please send an email to the list at subpro-irt at icann.org<mailto:subpro-irt at icann.org> or to the IPT at nextround_policyimplementation at icann.org<mailto:nextround_policyimplementation at icann.org>. New members are welcome to join but will have to fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftZbaKdGr-CULrNjp-sJ94G4uwZWqXcRzBYxS-Jll1MGrbcw/viewform?usp=sf_link> first.

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Best regards,


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