[SubPro-IRT] Application Comments and GAC Early Warnings and Advice updated language

Tijani tijani.benjemaa at topnet.tn
Mon Apr 1 14:29:34 UTC 2024

Hi Elisa and all,


I have 2 questions related to topic 20 (Application change request):

Can the applicant requesting change for their application withdraw their request after ICANN Org notify them that the change can proceed?

Can they withdraw the request after the comment period and the reevaluation?


Thank you.




De : SubPro-IRT <subpro-irt-bounces at icann.org> au nom de Elisa Busetto <elisa.busetto at icann.org>
Date : jeudi 7 mars 2024 à 15:25
À : "subpro-irt at icann.org" <subpro-irt at icann.org>
Objet : [SubPro-IRT] Application Comments and GAC Early Warnings and Advice updated language


Dear IRT members,


Following internal meetings relating to Application Change Requests, we have updated the Application Comments and GAC Early Warning and Advice language (also published in pdf on the SubPro IRT workspace). 


The most significant changes are the following: 
The ‘Community Action Period’ is replaced by ‘Community Input’, which includes Application Comments, GAC Early Warnings, GAC Advice, and Objections. 
To avoid confusion, and in line with the above, the ‘Action Community Tool’ (ACT) is now called ‘Application Comment Forum’ (ACF). 
Since the ‘Community Input’ section will include information on community input throughout all phases of the application processing, we have included a new section ‘Application Comment Timeline Following a Change Request’ and updated some of the remaining language accordingly. 

Regarding who will have access to the answers to the questions for commenters, we believe that name and last name, as well as ICANN affiliation should be public, whereas the answers to the remaining questions should only be visible to ICANN org and evaluators. This would ensure a sufficient level of transparency while protecting the commenters’ privacy. Please note that we are still working on defining the system features; should there be any changes or issues regarding this, we will let you know. 


If you have any feedback, please provide that via comments in the document or on-list by EOB 22 March, after which we will consider the document ready for the second Public Comment period (currently planned for September 2024).


Thank you so much in advance!


Best regards,

Antonietta, Lars, and Elisa



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