[SubPro-IRT] Session cancellation

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Fri Apr 26 16:43:22 UTC 2024

Dear members of the SubPro IRT,

I hope everyone is well and ideally already in weekend-mode. I am reaching out about another cancellation next week. Unfortunately, we will not be able to have our call next Tuesday. I just want to stress that we are advancing internally on several topics and so the recent cancellations will have absolutely no impact on the timeline or the workplan, including the planned topics for public comment periods later this year. Elisa will share an updated IRT schedule for May on Monday and please, if you have any questions, reach out on-list or off.

What will happen next week though is that on either Wednesday or Thursday next week (1 or 2 May) we will launch the next round website – there will be a blog by Marika published to announce this, so, please, look out for it. Having said that, we will also share a link on the IRT mailing list once it’s online.

With that, thank you all and best wishes,
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