[SubPro-IRT] Draft Applicant Support Handbook for 6 February IRT meeting #26b

Kristy Buckley kristy.buckley at icann.org
Fri Feb 2 20:13:35 UTC 2024

Greetings IRT members,

As promised during the 1 February IRT meeting #26a, the Applicant Support Program (ASP) Project Team is sharing the Draft Applicant Support Program Handbook in advance of the next IRT meeting #26b on Tuesday, 6 February.  Please see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w3_kYNYcEjXin5D1O9x4hxcpYJr7JqlY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102500713462362391761&rtpof=true&sd=true (this will also be posted to the wiki on Monday, 5 February).

Please note that remaining bracketed or placeholder text throughout the ASP Handbook is color-coded (see p. 2). In addition, ICANN org has continued to work on-list with ASP IRT members to propose updated language on some of those bracketed highlighted areas. As such, you may see a few spots with remaining suggested text and comments to the ASP IRT regarding those suggested changes. We hope to resolve those suggestions in advance of the IRT plenary session on 6 February.

As noted during IRT meeting #26a, ICANN org kindly requests plenary IRT members to liaise with their counterparts in the IRT ASP Sub-Track<https://community.icann.org/x/LIBME> to understand the work done to date, and to discuss any questions or concerns you or your constituencies may have through the IRT ASP Sub-Track members members. Please bring any remaining questions or comments on the ASP Handbook to our IRT plenary meeting next Tuesday, 6 February (#26b).

Many thanks in advance for your time and we look forward to meeting next week.

Kind regards,
Kristy, on behalf of the ASP Project Team
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