[SubPro-IRT] Public comment of the String Similarity Review Guidelines

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Wed Feb 7 05:01:31 UTC 2024

Dear all,
Please see the message below from Sarmad Hussain re: public comment of the String Similarity Review Guidelines.
Best. Lars

Dear IRT members,

As you may recall from our discussion on String Similarity Review AGB module<https://docs.google.com/document/d/18N3fmL8cJrx4h6yd7A-uFzS60tBSqeEGynxxVLwMHx0/edit#heading=h.jwegaqlh262l> (Section 1.3.3.) that IDN EPDP Phase 1 report recommends developing String Similarity Review Guidelines, which will be used by the String Similarity Review Panel.

For preparing these guidelines, we are planning to publish a report for public comment on 7 Feb. 2023. This report provides details of relevant factors to consider for string similarity review and a two-step process to cater to potentially a large number of comparisons in the string similarity review due to variant strings along with the applied-for strings.

If the community agrees with this approach, we will conduct Phase 2 of this work, where we will finalize the guidelines, along with the data and tools being suggested at this time. We also intend to publish Phase 2 work for public comment before finalizing it.

As shared during our discussion, we are also organizing a session at ICANN79 where we intend to present the details of the report for community input. We look forward to your input on the proposed methodology.


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