[SubPro-IRT] Application Fee FAQ

Katrin Ohlmer | DOTZON GmbH ohlmer at dotzon.com
Tue Jun 18 09:14:43 UTC 2024

Dear All,
I would like to re-iterate my comment I made during our first and last call at ICANN80:
I understand that estimations for future costs are estimations and will not 100% accurate. At least there should be data available for the period 2023 Q2 until 2024 Q1. Providing these data to our group might help to evaluate on a factual basis whether the estimate seems appropriate.
I would also like to emphasize that we still have a strong inflation going on, at least in Europe. Together with global tensions and uncertainties, this might have an impact on investment decisions by corporations and/or other entities interested in applying for a TLD. I’m not saying that this will have an impact, but it might be so. Therefore I understand that you took a moderate approach in estimating the number of potential TLD applications.
DOTZON GmbH - digital identities for tomorrow
Akazienstrasse 28
10823 Berlin
Deutschland - Germany
Mobile: +49 173 2019240
ohlmer at dotzon.consulting<mailto:ohlmer at dotzon.consulting>
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 118598
Geschäftsführer: Katrin Ohlmer
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Akazienstrasse 28, 10823 Berlin

Von: SubPro-IRT <subpro-irt-bounces at icann.org> Im Auftrag von Next Round Policy Implementation
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2024 14:02
An: subpro-irt at icann.org
Betreff: [SubPro-IRT] Application Fee FAQ

Dear IRT members,

In preparation for tomorrow's IRT meeting<https://community.icann.org/x/zIBAEw>, ICANN org has prepared the attached FAQ which aims to address the various questions that have been raised both in relation to the RSP fee as well as the gTLD evaluation fee.

Best regards,

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