[SubPro-IRT] CANCELLED: 19 March IRT call

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Mon Mar 18 19:21:38 UTC 2024

Dear members of the IRT,

I hope you are well – and for those who had travelled to LA have recovered from the meeting. I am reaching out to let you know that we are cancelling tomorrow’s (19 March) IRT meeting. We did not quite get materials turned around in time for tomorrow’s call. We have some internal meetings tomorrow and I will share by COB Brussels time whether we are ready for Thursday call, and what topics we will discuss on Thursday (21 March) and/or or Tuesday (26 March)*.

Please do not hesitate to reach out on-list or off- if you have any questions.
Best wishes.

PS: Please note, we are not able to modify our calendar invites, so please remove manually the IRT invite for 19 March at 20 UTC from your calendars.

*the 26 March meeting is not yet scheduled, we will do that asap, as we are still trying to get future invites sent out in a way that they show up directly in your calendars.
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