[Tmch-iag] Reminder: IAG summary and draft Clearinghouse implementation model

Neuman, Jeff Jeff.Neuman at neustar.us
Mon Apr 30 20:53:04 UTC 2012


Given the extensive delay in the announcement of the Clearinghouse Provider and in the application process as a whole, is there a chance that we can get an extension on when comments are due?  Also, I was hoping there was going to be a call scheduled to actually walk through this summary because as was pointed out by others on this list, there are a number of vague/ambiguous terms and statements in this draft.  A scheduled Q&A session of the IAG with you all and the selected Clearinghouse Provider would be extremely beneficial before we submitted comments.  In fact, when the schedule was initially set at the end of last year, you and JAS represented to us that we would have at least a month or so to work with the selected Clearinghouse Provider as part of the group.  Is that no longer envisioned?


Jeffrey J. Neuman
Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Business Affairs

From: tmch-iag-bounces at icann.org [mailto:tmch-iag-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Karen Lentz
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 3:14 PM
To: tmch-iag at icann.org
Subject: [Tmch-iag] Reminder: IAG summary and draft Clearinghouse implementation model

Reminder - as per below, comments are requested on the attached documents this week.

From: Karen Lentz
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 5:34 PM
To: tmch-iag at icann.org<mailto:tmch-iag at icann.org>
Subject: IAG summary and draft Clearinghouse implementation model

Dear colleagues,

Please see attached 2 documents:  (1) a draft implementation model for the Trademark Clearinghouse (reflecting many of the inputs from the IAG), and (2) a summary report compiling the feedback received from the IAG process.

These documents are for your review and comment - please submit any comments to the list by Friday, 4 May so that we can also compile these and take them into account.

We do not have any additional IAG calls scheduled currently, although we can schedule a call, or an open webinar to walk through the model, if there is interest in doing so.

These materials have also been posted on the wiki at https://community.icann.org/display/cctrdmrkclrnghsiag/Documents.  We look forward to your comments.

Best regards,

Karen Lentz

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