[TSG-Access-RD] 8 Jan. TSG agenda and materials

Eleeza Agopian eleeza.agopian at icann.org
Mon Jan 7 23:56:29 UTC 2019

Dear all,

Looking forward to our next call tomorrow. Please find below an agenda:

  1.  Admin: F2F meeting
  2.  Proposal on how to work through key questions (Ram)
     *   Use cases and problem definition
     *   Prioritization of use cases
     *   Tools and protocols in use - documentation effort
  3.  F2F meeting agenda: Draft available here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gort0hu12tXo3bG1t0gq1zLW6REmF6dNeaR2aQbjBF0/edit> (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gort0hu12tXo3bG1t0gq1zLW6REmF6dNeaR2aQbjBF0/edit)
  4.  Review action items
  5.  AOB


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