[technology taskforce] At-Large use of Group Chat applications - what's your take?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh devtee at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 14:02:06 UTC 2017

Dear All,

Here's the slides for the TTF session at ICANN58
(editing link, no Google login required)

Still have work on Policy tracking and how At-Large should use group
chat applications

Whilst I put together the policy tracking slides, I do need feedback
on what this group wants
regarding group chat applications

Some of my thoughts

- there are a myriad of group chat applications - Slack, Hipchat,
Rocket.chat, Mattermost
- all share common features
     - creating public rooms or channels for groups and/or topics
     - creating private groups not visible to persons outside of such groups

- Group chat applications have signf

Re: Group chat applications,

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