Ballot 4 (functions)

seismo!hplabs!hpfcla!hpfclj!hpfcdg!rgt seismo!hplabs!hpfcla!hpfclj!hpfcdg!rgt
Fri Apr 17 17:27:26 UTC 1987

>	NO     int        strftime(char*, int, char*, struct tm*)
>	NO     int        strfastime(char*, int, char*, struct tm*)
>	NO     time_t     mktime(struct tm*)
>strftime, strfastime, and mktime should not be standardized due to lack of
>existing art.

As I stated  in by  response  to Bob,  the  instead  of  strftime()  and
mktime(), we could use  nl_ascxtime() and gmtime2() which are in current
X/OPEN systems.  (Gmtime2() is a static routine and does not account for
local time but but is still "existing" art.  I have been tempted to post
it, but I reverse engineered it directly from the AT&T gmtime() code.)

Ron Tolley

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