Dates in Mush

Barton E. Schaefer emoryu1!emory!ogicse!!schaefer
Fri Sep 21 16:53:40 UTC 1990

On Sep 20,  9:58am, lupe christoph wrote:
} Subject: Re: Dates in Mush
} "MET DST" comes from zoneinfo:
} # @(#)europe 1.3 89/02/13 SMI; from Arthur Olson's 3.1
} 	...
} Rule    M-Eur   1986    max     -       Mar     lastSun 2:00s   1:00    " DST"
} Rule    M-Eur   1986    max     -       Sep     lastSun 2:00s   0       -
} 	...
} Zone    MET             1:00    M-Eur           MET%s
} 	...
} This means that "MET" is suffixed by " DST" in the period "Mar lastSun 2:00s"
} till "Sep lastSun 2:00s".

Hm.  Looks as though something like

  Rule    M-Eur   1986    max     -       Mar     lastSun 2:00s   1:00    S
  Rule    M-Eur   1986    max     -       Sep     lastSun 2:00s   0       -
  Zone    MET             1:00    M-Eur           ME%sT

would produce what B-news (and mush) are expecting for zones.

} You might want to ask seismo!elsie!tz about the names.

OK, tz is on the To: line.  Maybe he (Arthur?  Is that you?) could shed
some light on the subject.  As nearly as I can tell, the B-news parser is
prepared to handle arbitrarily mixed cases, periods between the letters,
and practically every other combination *except* two words separated by a
space.  Mush is a less robust about mixed cases and so on because it
doesn't expect to be parsing anything but machine-generated date strings.

} 	> Thanks for the info.  I think I'm going to try to find a
} 	> better way to parse for it, though.  It should be possible
} 	> to recognize it without explicitly reading it into a string,
} 	> e.g. match it literally in the sscanf format or something.
} Regular expressions ?

Well, actually, what you did isn't too bad in theory but is overkill in
all but one of the cases.  Even if we do read it into a string, it's not
necessary to add a new sscanf call every time; just add the %3s (you used
%4s, but you should have allocated a 5-char buffer for that) after the
%7s that is already there.  Note that the comparisons are for things like
(sscanf() >= 5) in nearly all cases; the zone is already expected to be
missing, so it won't hurt to also ignore a missing DST (not) tacked on
after the zone.  The only one where you need the explicit match is one
where the zone name appears in the middle of the string.

Bart Schaefer						schaefer at

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