
Arthur David Olson ado
Mon Mar 9 14:10:44 UTC 1992

Prodded by a note from Bradley White on Queensland abandoning DST,
after a review of the last year-and-a-half's worth of correspondence,
and having mulled things over in the bathtub,
the attached is the best I can do on what Australasia is like at the moment.
There's something here to offend everyone; I'm eager for suggestions.


: To unbundle, sh this file
echo file 'australasia' >&2
cat >'australasia' <<'End of australasia'
# @(#)australasia	7.8


# Australia

# From John Mackin (March 6, 1991):
# We in Australia have _never_ referred to DST as `daylight' time.
# It is called `summer' time.  Now by a happy coincidence, `summer'
# and `standard' happen to start with the same letter; hence, the
# abbreviation does _not_ change...
# The legislation does not actually define abbreviations, at least
# in this State, but the abbreviation is just commonly taken to be the
# initials of the phrase, and the legislation here uniformly uses
# the phrase `summer time' and does not use the phrase `daylight
# time'.
# Announcers on the Commonwealth radio network, the ABC (for Australian
# Broadcasting Commission), use the phrases `Eastern Standard Time'
# or `Eastern Summer Time'.  (Note, though, that as I say in the
# current australasia file, there is really no such thing.)  Announcers
# on its overseas service, Radio Australia, use the same phrases
# prefixed by the word `Australian' when referring to local times;
# time announcements on that service, naturally enough, are made in UTC.

# From Arthur David Olson (March 8 1992):
# Given the above, what's used below year-round is:
#	CST	for any place operating at a GMTOFF of 9:30
#	WST	for any place operating at a GMTOFF of 8:00
#	EST	for any place operating at a GMTOFF of 10:00

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# # The NORTHERN TERRITORY..  [ Courtesy N.T. Dept of the Chief Minister ]
# #					[ Nov 1990 ]
# #	N.T. have never utilised any DST due to sub-tropical/tropical location.
# ...
# Zone	Australia/North		9:30	-	CST

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# the Northern Territory do[es] not have daylight saving.

Zone	Australia/North		9:30	-	CST

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# #  The state of WESTERN AUSTRALIA..  [ Courtesy W.A. dept Premier+Cabinet ]
# #						[ Nov 1990 ]
# #	W.A. suffers from a great deal of public and political opposition to
# #	DST in principle. A bill is brought before parliament in most years, but
# #	usually defeated either in the upper house, or in party caucus
# #	before reaching parliament.
# ...
# Zone	Australia/West		8:00	AW	%sST
# ...
# Rule	AW	1974	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AW	1975	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	W
# Rule	AW	1983	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AW	1984	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	W

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# Western[es] not have daylight saving.

# From John D. Newman via Bradley White (November 2, 1991):
# Western Australia is still on "winter time". Some DH in Sydney
# rang me at home a few days ago at 6.00am. (He had just arrived at
# work at 9.00am.)
# W.A. is switching to Summer Time on Nov 17th just to confuse
# everybody again.

# From Arthur David Olson (March 8, 1992):
# The 1992 ending date below is a best guess;
# it matches what was used in the past.

Zone	Australia/West		8:00	-	WST	1974 Oct lastSun 2:00
				8:00	1:00	WST	1975 Mar Sun>=1 3:00
				8:00	-	WST	1983 Oct lastSun 2:00
				8:00	1:00	WST	1984 Mar Sun>=1 3:00
				8:00	-	WST	1991 Nov 17 2:00
				8:00	1:00	WST	1992 Mar Sun>=1 3:00
				8:00	-	WST

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# #   The state of QUEENSLAND.. [ Courtesy Qld. Dept Premier Econ&Trade Devel ]
# #						[ Dec 1990 ]
# ...
# Zone	Australia/Queensland	10:00	AQ	%sST
# ...
# Rule	AQ	1971	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AQ	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AQ	1989	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AQ	1990	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	E

# From Bradley White (December 24, 1989):
# "Australia/Queensland" now observes daylight time (i.e. from
# October 1989).

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# ...Queensland...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...

# From John Mackin (March 6, 1991):
# I can certainly confirm for my part that Daylight Saving in NSW did in fact
# end on Sunday, 3 March.  I don't know at what hour, though.  (It surprised
# me.)

# From Bradley White (March 8, 1992):
# ...there was recently a referendum in Queensland which resulted
# in the experimental daylight saving system being abandoned. So, ...
# ...
# Rule	QLD	1989	1991	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	QLD	1990	1992	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	S
# ...

# From Arthur David Olson (March 8, 1992):
# Here is the union of the 1971/1972 change and the 1989-1992 changes.

Zone	Australia/Queensland	10:00	-	EST	1971 Oct lastSun 2:00
				10:00	1:00	EST	1972 Feb lastSun 3:00
				10:00	-	EST	1989 Oct lastSun 2:00
				10:00	1:00	EST	1990 Mar Sun>=1 3:00
				10:00	-	EST	1990 Oct lastSun 2:00
				10:00	1:00	EST	1991 Mar Sun>=1 3:00
				10:00	-	EST	1991 Oct lastSun 2:00
				10:00	1:00	EST	1992 Mar Sun>=1 3:00
				10:00	-	EST

# From Arthur David Olson (March 8, 1992):
# The rules from version 7.1 follow.
# There are lots of differences between these rules and
# the Shepherd et al. rules.  Since the Shepherd et al. rules
# and Bradley White's newspaper article are in agreement on
# current DST ending dates, no worries.
# Rule	Oz	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
# Rule	Oz	1986	max	-	Oct	Sun<=24	2:00	1:00	-
# Rule	Oz	1972	only	-	Feb	27	3:00	0	-
# Rule	Oz	1973	1986	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
# Rule	Oz	1987	max	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	-
# Zone	Australia/Tasmania	10:00	Oz	EST
# Zone	Australia/South		9:30	Oz	CST
# Zone	Australia/Victoria	10:00	Oz	EST	1985 Oct lastSun 2:00
# 				10:00	1:00	EST	1986 Mar Sun<=21 3:00
# 				10:00	Oz	EST

# From Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# I believe that the current start date for DST is "lastSun" in Oct...
# that changed Oct 89.  That is, we're back to the
# original rule, and that rule currently applies in all the states
# that have dst, incl Qld.  (Certainly it was true in Vic).
# The file I'm including says that happened in 1988, I think
# that's incorrect, but I'm not 100% certain.

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# ...South Australia...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# #   The state of SOUTH AUSTRALIA....[ Courtesy of S.A. Dept of Labour ]
# #						[ Nov 1990 ]
# ...
# Zone	Australia/South		9:30	AS	%sST
# ...
# Rule	 AS	1971	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	 AS	1972	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	C
# Rule	 AS	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	C
# Rule	 AS	1991	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	C

Rule	AS	1971	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AS	1972	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	AS	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	-
Rule	AS	1991	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-

Zone	Australia/South		9:30	AS	CST

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# ...Tasmania will revert to Australian Eastern Standard Time on March 31...

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# #  The state of TASMANIA.. [Courtesy Tasmanian Dept of Premier + Cabinet ]
# #					[ Nov 1990 ]
# ...
# Zone	Australia/Tasmania	10:00	AT	%sST
# ...
# Rule	AT	1967	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AT	1968	only	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1968	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AT	1969	1971	-	Mar	Sun>=8	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1973	1981	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1982	1983	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1984	1986	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1986	only	-	Oct	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AT	1987	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AT	1987	only	-	Oct	Sun>=22	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AT	1988	1990	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AT	1991	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AT	1991	max	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	E

# From Bill Hart via Alexander Dupuy and Guy Harris (October 10, 1991):
# My state Government in there eagerness to get a few more bucks for the
# tourist industry industry decided to change the daylight savings times
# yet again (we now have almost 6 months per year)...
# ...
# Rule  Oz      1986    1990    -       Oct     Sun<=24 2:00    1:00    -
# Rule  Oz      1991    max     -       Oct     Sun>=1  2:00    1:00    -
# ...
# Rule  Oz      1987    1990    -       Mar     Sun<=21 3:00    0       -
# Rule  Oz      1991    max     -       Mar     Sun<=31 3:00    0       -

# From Bill Hart via Guy Harris (October 10, 1991):
# Oh yes, the new daylight savings rules are uniquely tasmanian, we have
# 6 weeks a year now when we are out of sync with the rest of Australia
# (but nothing new about that).

Rule	AT	1967	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AT	1968	only	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1968	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AT	1969	1971	-	Mar	Sun>=8	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1973	1981	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1982	1983	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1984	1986	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1986	only	-	Oct	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AT	1987	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	3:00	0	-
Rule	AT	1987	only	-	Oct	Sun>=22	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AT	1988	1990	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AT	1991	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AT	1991	max	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Zone	Australia/Tasmania	10:00	AT	EST

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# ...Victoria...[has] agreed to end daylight saving at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# #   The state of VICTORIA.. [ Courtesy of Vic. Dept of Premier + Cabinet ]
# #						[ Nov 1990 ]
# ...
# Zone	Australia/Victoria	10:00	AV	%sST
# ...
# Rule	AV	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AV	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AV	1973	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AV	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AV	1986	1987	-	Oct	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AV	1988	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AV	1991	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	E

Rule	AV	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AV	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	AV	1973	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	AV	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	3:00	0	-
Rule	AV	1986	1987	-	Oct	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AV	1988	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	AV	1991	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Zone	Australia/Victoria	10:00	AV	EST

# From Arthur David Olson:
# New South Wales and subjurisdictions have their own ideas of a fun time.
# Based on law library research by John Mackin (john at,
# who notes:
#	In Australia, time is not legislated federally, but rather by the
#	individual states.  Thus, while such terms as ``Eastern Standard Time''
#	[I mean, of course, Australian EST, not any other kind] are in common
#	use, _they have NO REAL MEANING_, as they are not defined in the
#	legislation.  This is very important to understand.
#	I have researched New South Wales time only...

# From Dave Davey (March 3, 1990):
# Rule	NSW	1988	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
# Rule	NSW	1989	only	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	-

# From Bradley White (March 4, 1991):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# NSW...[has] agreed to end daylight saving at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# # The state of NEW SOUTH WALES.. [confirmed by Attorney General's Dept N.S.W]
# #					[ Dec 1990 ]
# ...
# Rule	 AN	1988	1989	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	E
# ...

# From John Mackin (March 9, 1991)
# I have confirmed the accuracy of the historical data for NSW in the
# file Robert forwarded

# From Arthur David Olson (March 8, 1992):
# Sources differ on whether DST ended March 6 or March 20 in 1988;
# March 20 (the "confirmed" date) is used below.

Rule	NSW	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	NSW	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1973	1981	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1982	only	-	Apr	4	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1983	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1986	only	-	Mar	16	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1986	only	-	Oct	19	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	NSW	1987	only	-	Mar	15	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1987	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	-
# Rule	NSW	1988	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
# Rule	NSW	1989	only	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	-
Rule	NSW	1988	1989	-	Mar	Sun<=21	3:00	0	- #
Rule	NSW	1990	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-

Zone	Australia/NSW		10:00	NSW	EST

# From John Basser (January 4, 1989):
# `Broken Hill' means the County of Yancowinna.

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# # YANCOWINNA..  [ Confirmation courtesy of Broken Hill Postmaster ]
# #					[ Dec 1990 ]
# ...
# # Yancowinna uses Central Standard Time, despite it's location on the
# # New South Wales side of the S.A. border. Most business and social dealings
# # are with CST zones, therefore CST is legislated by local government
# # although the switch to Summer Time occurs in line with N.S.W. There have
# # been years when this did not apply, but the historical data is not
# # presently available.
# Zone	Australia/Yancowinna	9:30	 AY	%sST
# ...
# Rule	 AY	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	 AY	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	C
# [followed by other Rules]

Zone	Australia/Yancowinna	9:30	NSW	CST

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# LHI...		[ Courtesy of Pauline Van Winsen.. pauline at Aus ]
#					[ Dec 1990 ]
# Lord Howe Island is located off the New South Wales coast, and is half an
# hour ahead of NSW time.

Zone	Australia/LHI		10:30	NSW	???


# New Zealand

# New Zealand, from Elz' asia 1.1
# Elz says "no guarantees"

# From Mark Davies (October 3, 1990):
# the 1989/90 year was a trial of an extended "daylight saving" period.
# This trial was deemed successful and the extended period adopted for
# subsequent years (with the addition of a further week at the start).
# source -- phone call to Ministry of Internal Affairs Head Office.

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (March 6, 1991):
# # The Country of New Zealand   (Australia's east island -) Gee they hate that!
# #				   or is Australia the west island of N.Z.
# #	[ courtesy of Geoff Tribble.. Geofft at Aus.. Auckland N.Z. ]
# #				[ Nov 1990 ]
# ...
# Rule	NZ      1974    1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	NZ	1989	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	NZ      1975    1989	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	S
# Rule	NZ	1990	max	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	S
# ...
# Zone	NZ			12:00	NZ		NZ%sT	# New Zealand
# Zone	NZ-CHAT			12:45	-		NZ-CHAT # Chatham Island

# From Arthur David Olson (March 8, 1992):
# The below uses the Davies October 8 values for the start of DST in 1989
# rather than the October 1 value.

Rule	NZ	1974	1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	NZ	1989	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	NZ	1989	only	-	Oct	8	2:00	1:00	D #
Rule	NZ	1990	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D #
Rule	NZ	1975	1989	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	S
Rule	NZ	1990	max	-	Mar	Sun>=15	3:00	0	S

Zone	NZ			12:00	NZ		NZ%sT	# New Zealand
Zone	NZ-CHAT			12:45	-		NZ-CHAT # Chatham Island
End of australasia

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