18 sec

Garrett Wollman wollman at adrastea.lcs.mit.edu
Tue Mar 29 20:22:42 UTC 1994

<<On Tue, 29 Mar 1994 14:48:27 -0500, I wrote these tables:

> NTP code wants:		Real Time	UNIX Time
> ---------------		---------	---------
> 30 June 1994, 23:59:59	t		s
> 30 June 1994, 23:59:59	t+1		s
> 01 July 1994, 00:00:00	t+2		s+1

> Timezone code wants:		Real Time	UNIX Time
> --------------------		---------	---------
> 30 June 1994, 23:59:59	t		s
> 30 June 1994, 23:59:60	t+1		s+1
> 01 July 1994, 00:00:00	t+2		s+2

It occurred to me that I should probably add this table:

NTP plus Timezone code:	Real Time	UNIX Time
-----------------------	---------	---------
30 June 1994, 23:59:59	t		s
30 June 1994, 23:59:59	t+1		s
30 June 1994, 23:59:60	t+2		s+1
01 July 1994, 00:00:00	t+3		s+2

This should make the result of the problem clear.


Garrett A. Wollman   | Shashish is simple, it's discreet, it's brief. ... 
wollman at lcs.mit.edu  | Shashish is the bonding of hearts in spite of distance.
formerly known as    | It is a bond more powerful than absence.  We like people
wollman at emba.uvm.edu | who like Shashish.  - Claude McKenzie + Florent Vollant

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