
Arthur David Olson ado
Thu Mar 31 04:34:30 UTC 1994

The file "tzcode94e.tar.gz" is now available for anonymous ftp from
the "~ftp/pub" directory of (;
"tzdata94d.tar.gz" remains the latest data file.  The new code incorporates
a change for the benefit of PCTS; diffs are attached.


SCCS/s.Makefile: 7.21 vs. 7.23
*** 7.21/Makefile	Wed Mar 30 23:32:14 1994
--- 7.23/Makefile	Wed Mar 30 23:32:15 1994
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)Makefile	7.21
  # Change the line below for your time zone (after finding the zone you want in
  # the time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)Makefile	7.23
  # Change the line below for your time zone (after finding the zone you want in
  # the time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
*** 168,173 ****
--- 168,179 ----
  # to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line
  # This function is not described in X3J11's work.
+ #
+ # NIST-PCTS:151-2, Version 1.4, (1993-12-03) is a test suite put
+ # out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
+ # which claims to test C and Posix conformance.  If you want to pass PCTS, add
+ #	-DPCTS
+ # to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
SCCS/s.localtime.c: 7.17 vs. 7.18
*** 7.17/localtime.c	Wed Mar 30 23:32:17 1994
--- 7.18/localtime.c	Wed Mar 30 23:32:18 1994
*** 1,6 ****
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)localtime.c	7.17";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
--- 1,6 ----
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)localtime.c	7.18";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
*** 1308,1315 ****
--- 1308,1326 ----
  	if (tmp->tm_isdst > 1)
  		tmp->tm_isdst = 1;
  	t = time2(tmp, funcp, offset, &okay);
+ #ifdef PCTS
+ 	/*
+ 	** PCTS code courtesy Grant Sullivan (grant at
+ 	*/
+ 	if (okay)
+ 		return t;
+ 	if (tmp->tm_isdst < 0)
+ 		tmp->tm_isdst = 0;	/* reset to std and try again */
+ #endif /* defined PCTS */
+ #ifndef PCTS
  	if (okay || tmp->tm_isdst < 0)
  		return t;
+ #endif /* !defined PCTS */
  	** We're supposed to assume that somebody took a time of one type
  	** and did some math on it that yielded a "struct tm" that's bad.

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