Australia/Sydney patch for March 1996
Paul Eggert
eggert at
Mon Aug 14 20:52:42 UTC 1995
In May, Bradley White wrote that next year New South Wales will
conform to the other DST-using states of Australia for the autumn
change, but I see that this isn't reflected in the latest released
tzdata. I assume the change is still on (though with Australian
politics one never knows :-). Here is a patch.
According to the tables, the last holdout is Tasmania's spring change:
it switches the first Sunday in October instead of the last Sunday
like the others.
RCS file: RCS/australasia,v
retrieving revision 1994.8
retrieving revision 1994.8.1.1
diff -c -r1994.8 -r1994.8.1.1
*** australasia 1994/12/10 16:26:05 1994.8
--- australasia 1995/08/14 20:28:15 1994.8.1.1
*** 111,117 ****
Rule AN 1986 1989 - Mar Sun>=15 3:00 0 -
Rule AN 1986 only - Oct 19 2:00 1:00 -
Rule AN 1987 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 -
! Rule AN 1990 max - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 -
Zone Australia/Sydney 10:04:52 - LMT 1895 Feb
10:00 - EST 1917 Jan 1 0:01
--- 111,118 ----
Rule AN 1986 1989 - Mar Sun>=15 3:00 0 -
Rule AN 1986 only - Oct 19 2:00 1:00 -
Rule AN 1987 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 -
! Rule AN 1990 1995 - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 -
! Rule AN 1996 max - Mar lastSun 3:00 0 -
Zone Australia/Sydney 10:04:52 - LMT 1895 Feb
10:00 - EST 1917 Jan 1 0:01
*** 700,705 ****
--- 701,710 ----
# From Arthur David Olson (March 8, 1992):
# Sources differ on whether DST ended March 6 or March 20 in 1988;
# March 20 (the "confirmed" date) is in the chosen rules.
+ # From Bradley White (1995-05-20):
+ # Prem Bob Carr announced NSW will fall into line with other E states
+ # and SA and continue daylight savings to the last Sun in Mar.
# Yancowinna
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