time zone sources on the Web

Manavendra Thakur Manavendra_Thakur at NeXT.COM
Mon Nov 6 09:46:47 UTC 1995

To Paul's list of time zone information on the web, I would add the following URL:


or more simply:

This is run by DHL (the courier company), and it presents a list of the  
countries served by that company.  If you then click on a particular  
country, here's an example of what you'll see (graphics stripped out):

United Kingdom

HOLIDAYS: Jan 1, 2, Apr 14, 17, May 1, 29, Aug 28, Dec 25, 26


CURRENT LOCAL TIME: 09:41 Monday 6 November 1995

I find this rather handy, and given that DHL covers 217 countries and  
territories, it's pretty comprehensive coverage.

(I have no idea what system DHL is using to calculate the local time, but  
it's been accurate so far.)

Manavendra Thakur

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