Bangalore not in the same time zone as Calcutta?
Guy Harris
guy at
Tue Jan 30 02:36:37 UTC 1996
This is a message that showed up in "info.sun-managers"; the only time
zone I could find for India in the "tzdata96b" file was
# India
Zone Asia/Calcutta 5:53:28 - LMT 1880
5:53 - CMT 1941 Oct # Calcutta Mean Time
6:30 - BMT 1942 May 15
5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
5:30 1:00 IST 1945 Oct 15
5:30 - IST
which is 5 1/2 hours from GMT, not 5 hours from GMT....
From: jerome at (Jerome Alphonse)
Newsgroups: info.sun-managers
Subject: date problems between Solaris and SunOS
Date: 27 Jan 1996 20:06:01 -0600
Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway
Message-ID: <199601270204.HAA02126 at>
Hello Gurus
Our timezone is GMT+5.
We have setup our machines in this timezone
So in SunOS machines , if I give date command ,the output is
Sat Jan 27 06:45:57 GMT+0500 1996
Which seems to be okay.
In Solaris machines, if I give date command, the output is
(though we have set it up as GMT+5,during installation)
Sat Jan 27 06:45:01 GMT 1996
Becoz' of which we are not able to run certain Solaris applications
which look into SUNOS or HP-UX machines for licensing as license
gives error saying that time gap is more than it could handle
(probably those wretched 5 hours).
Becoz of this time stamp of the files created across NFS( between
SUNOS and Solaris), is also crazy
In Solaris machines
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aravind 0 Jan 26 20:47 123
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aravind 0 Jan 26 20:47 234
In Solaris machines ,same files(across NFS)
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aravind 0 Jan 27 06:47 123
-rw-rw-r-- 1 aravind 0 Jan 27 06:47 234
And also due to this time zone problem , I suspect there
are some NFS mount problems which I posted in this forum a day or two
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Jerome Alphonse Email: jerome at
Systems Engineer Phone: 011-91-80-2264235/9
Texas Instruments Fax : 011-91-80-2267024
Bangalore 560052 India URL :
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