Portugal time

Carlo E. Prelz fluido at marktest.pt
Tue Mar 19 18:01:09 UTC 1996

Hi. You already know that, again, Portugal goes back to West European 
Time. From the "europe" file in tzdata96d.tgz:


			 1:00	EC	MET%s	1996 Mar 31 1:00u
# Martin Bruckmann <martin at ua.pt> (1996-02-29) reports via Peter Ilieve
# that Portugal is reverting to 0:00 by not moving its clocks this spring.
# The new Prime Minister was fed up with getting up in the dark in the winter.
			 0:00	-     "WET DST"	1996 Oct 27 1:00u
			 0:00	EC	WET%s


Well, only 1 1/2 weeks are separating us from March 31, and I was
doing some tests (on Linux, very recent kernel - more info on
request). Well, from Oct. 27 all will be OK for sure, but the rule for
the intermediate period does not set the dst flag - probably because
the transition to the new rule happens at the same moment as the DST

I could not find a way to set the dst flag in rules - the only way to
have the rule behave correctly is to write:
			 1:00	-     "WET DST"	1996 Oct 27 1:00u
(1:00 instead of 0:00). This way, the time is right. The dst flag is
still off, and that could crack programs that use it.

Do you know of a better way? Am I doing something wrong?


  *              Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - fluido at marktest.pt                che bisogno ci sarebbe
  *                    di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)

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