World Timezone Map
Chuck Ellis
chuck_ellis at
Thu May 9 21:06:14 UTC 1996
I have completed a Beta of a 1:1,000,000-scale world vector map of timezones
and associated attribute data, including applicable Rule, ISO Country Codes,
etc. In reviewing the tz archive postings, it became clear that some of you
are working towards the same end. Therefore, I am posting the Beta to our
company's FTP site in the hope that we can join forces to accelerate the
development of this most useful map and data set.
I am a partner in MaconUSA, LLC, a digital mapping company based in Boston
whose chief products are digital vector maps (with attached attribute data) of
the world's political, administrative, civil, postal and telcomm boundaries.
MaconUSA is the US "sister" company to Macon GmbH (Waghausel, Germany), which
manufactures a suite of desktop mapping products for the European market.
While we distribute primarily into the GIS market, our maps are for the most
part focused on demographic, sales and marketing applications. We have
developed comprehensive boundary and features sets for Europe and the US, and
are in the process of completing a Mexican/Caribbean/Central American/South
American Map set. We are Data Partners to virtually all of the major GIS
application companies, such as ESRI, MapInfo, AutoDesk, Tactician, et al; our
European maps are a (new) free inclusion in all of ESRI's shipping products.
We have fielded numerous requests over the past year from our customers for
both an accurate/current worldwide timezone map, and an equivalent map
delineating telephone country and area code boundaries; the timezone map is
the completion of part one of this development effort.
While we are obviously a for-profit company, we are interested in a
cooperative and public-interest effort regarding the timezone map. I would
envision such cooperation including joint posting/maintenance of a
timezone-map web page freely accessible to the worldwide public, participation
in ongoing standards-oriented work (such as it is or may become), etc. The TZ
archives maintained at appear to be as close to a defacto
standards repository as a non-authoritative listserv can be; in the absence of
any greater authority, we would prefer to work actively with it.
Timezone Map:
Three compressed files are posted at --
The first file ( contains timezone.* (the primary timezone vector
map and its attached attribute database); a rough readme.txt file for
overview; tz_struc.txt which describes the attribute database in detail;
city_550.* (the "top" 550 cities in the world as map points with tz
atributes); mid_mif.txt (which is a detailed description of MapInfo's ASCII
vector map-file format that all boundary, point, and other map layers are
written to, and is enough of a lingua franca to be transportable across many
GIS and CAD applications).
The second file ( contains city_11k.* (a gazetteer of the "top"
11,000 cities in the world as map points with tz atributes); airport.* (a
second gazetteer of 14,000+ airports worldwide as map points with tz
attributes); ports.* (a third gazetteer of 4,500+ Ports around the world
plotted as map points with tz attributes); overlay.* (a simple grid of the old
1884 GMT timezone lines for reference viewing; and ????struc.txt files
detailing the file layouts for the gazetteer attribute databases.
The third file ( contains city_80k.* (a massive gazetteer of
80,000 cities around the world plotted as map points with associated tz
All three files are password protected. The password is: proeger
The files have been zipped with pkzip v. 2.04g
Map Description:
The map is based upon Macon's own ISO-3166 standard world map, a commercial
product that is updated semi-annually. In turn, Macon's world map is based
upon the original 1:1,000,000 DCW with a significant number of boundaries
redrawn and/or updated to reflect current ISO-3166 definitions. The Datum is
WGS1984; this particular map is current to December 31, 1996. The map was
created in MapInfo, and has not yet been cleaned/processed with ArcInfo into a
topological coverage (this will happen soon); the polygons are drawn in an
essentially connect-the-dots sequence with preliminary shared-border snapping
and de-duping. Please refer to the mid_mif.txt file for a detailed
description of MapInfo's ASCII vector format. The 34 unique UTC-Offsets have
been assigned colors according to a west-to-east spectral graduation using the
Netscape 256-color chart (which is also Windows-compliant); these can be
ignored or changed at will.
The gazetteer points are derived from different sources. A significant number
of just-onshore points appear slightly offshore due to being digitized from
lower-scale maps and/or different datums; these have been properly attributed
with tz data, but will be positionally adjusted in the final release.
Nevertheless, the gazetteer collection has been included at this time because
it is powerful testament to the primary advantage of defining detailed
timezone polygons: a simple point-in-polygon operation can in one pass assign
tz attributes to a virtually limitless number of map objects.
Specific Timezone Notes:
We have had to take some liberties in this beta version:
1) Asia/Timor -- A specific objective in producing this file was maintenance
of strict ISO-3166 compliance; in this case, the principal requirement was
simply including every country in the ISO roster. To wit, we added a new
timezone, Asia/Timor, to represent East Timor. It has been assigned the
(default) rule, No_DST, which matches its neighboring zone,
2) Atlantic/Madeira -- Even though Atlantic/Madeira is a duplicate of
Europe/Lisbon, it was left as a distinct zone for cartographic purposes;
linking far-flung polygons into one object can cause problems in many mapping
applications when, for example, centroids are calculated, labels are
auto-placed, or MBR (minimum-bounding-rectangle) calculations are involved.
3) America/Dawson_Creek -- this boundary is approximate only, due to a lack of
any refining information.
4) America/Regina, America/Winnipeg -- these boundaries obey all available
notes from the archives, but are simply invented using provincial
sub-boundaries and meridians/parallels in the absence of any meaningful
feature definitions
5) America/Scoresbysund -- this boundary is approximate only, albeit probably
very close
6) America/Thule -- same as (4) above
7) Asia/Aqtau, Asia/Aqtobe, Asia/Alma-Ata -- these boundaries were created
using current provincial sub-boundaries in the absence of any refining data
8) Africa/Kinshasha, Africa/Lubumbashi -- same as (7) above
9) Asia/Irkutsk, Asia/Yakutsk, Asia/Vladivostok, Asia/Magadan -- the
boundaries between these zones are not well-defined; we used a CIA map from
1994 at a scale of 1:5,000,000 to approximate these
10) America/Manaus, America/Fortaleza -- we defaulted the split between these
two zones as a simple east-west meridian dividing Para
11) The attached tz attribute database defaults the ending year for
currently-active Rules to 1999 for now to ease the burden on application
developers using the data; this is obviously quite artificial, and any
suggestions for how to handle this would be appreciated
12) The default Rule for countries with no active DST assignations is "No_DST"
13) Historical Zone and Rule information is for the most part not included;
only in the case of a current Zone using a current Rule with a (provided)
onset-date was the start-year included; we are happy to change this based on
agreed-upon suggestions, but the drawing of historical zones is well beyond
our scope.
Viewing the Timezone Map:
We apologize for not providing the tz map in a directly-viewable format just
yet. We are currently embedding the map with its associated database into an
applet which I will upload in the coming weeks. Those wishing to view the map
at this time have the following alternatives:
a) Use MapInfo-- both the MapInfo Desktop and MapInfo Professional products
can import mid-mif files directly, since it is the intermediate ASCII format
for both applications
b) Use ArcView, BusinessMap, ArcInfo, or ArcCAD-- all ESRI products can import
mid-mif files directly
c) Use Microsoft Excel Version 7 or higher, or Microsoft Office95 or higher--
these newer versions of Excel contain a feature called DataMap which can draw,
color and query a MapInfo-BINARY format map directly; I will be posting the
timezone map in this format in the next day or so as at
d) Use Any CAD Software-- I will be posting a .DXF version of the map in the
next day or so as at
e) Write Your Own Viewer-- the mid-mif ASCII vector map format is quite
simple, though with all of the applications out there capable of directly
handling mid-mif, you're probably better off waiting for the Excel or CAD
versions to post in the next day or so, or our own embedded viewer to post
within the next couple of weeks.
Continued Development:
We are quite committed to upgrading, updating, and generally improving this
map. Any specific zone comments relating to how/where the boundaries are
drawn are most useful if they provide or describe (in order of preference):
the actual map, or a reference to where we can find it; underlying
sub-boundaries (such as administrative or statistical or poitical or postal or
municipal) comprising the zone; major land or water features which delineate a
boundary or part of boundary; a "legal" description (such as "follow rickety
river six miles south, then east along provincial boundary...");
corrections/additions/deletions to the list of cities/towns included in a zone
(you may find the gazetteer of 80,000 cities posted as noted above useful as a
starter here).
Comments or Questions:
Please contact Chuck Ellis, at MaconUSA, 214 Lincoln Street, Suite 115,
Allston, MA 02134, Tel 617-254-2295, Fax 617-254-2883, e-mail
chuck_ellis at
Chuck Ellis
More information about the tz
mailing list