Multiple time zones in Mongolia
Paul Eggert
eggert at
Mon Dec 13 17:44:30 UTC 1999
From: "Law, Gwil Jr. " <Gwil_Law at>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 09:48:53 -0500
Following the published criteria, Dund-Us is the top choice, with
Ulaangom a close second. Dund-Us is more centrally located in the zone,
which might give it more of an edge.
Thanks very much for your analysis. Dund-Us's multiple names troubles
me. (I have a sneaking suspicion that some of them are just nicknames
like ``The Big Apple''.:-) However, as you say, Dund-Us is more
centrally located, and it is easier to spell, so perhaps we should go
with Dund-Us.
I'm still planning to comment out Shanks's claim that there was a
third time zone in the east, but in the comment I'll change its
canonical representative from Baruun-Urt to Choibalsan, as the latter
seems by far the largest town in the purported zone. Unfortunately
its spelling is also problematic: Choybalsan? Qoibalsan? Something
with umlauts over it?
Graham Taylor explains that the naming problem
has arisen from the confusing system of giving the soum
township a different name to the soum area....
It was once said that the hardest things to find in Mongolia
were accurate information and coconut milk....
[There are] often multiple levels of conflicting information
from the same official source.
-- <>
I'm used to this problem with time zone information, but it is amusing
to see it with regard to place names.
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