data on DST changes all over the world

Geelen, Paul Paul.Geelen at
Wed Dec 22 16:35:42 UTC 1999

Hi Elsie,

How surprised I was to find this
site.( Since I am
corresponding a lot with colleagues in different places all over the world,
I would like to gain information on daylight saving changes that will occur
in the next year. 

Could you please give me any data on these DST changes, for example in a
spreadsheet or ascii file with the information as given below?

country		Netherlands 
timezone	GMT + 1
from		1999, march 28, 02:00 AM 
until		1999, october 3, 02:00 AM
shift		+ 1 hour

country		Brasil (east)
timezone	GMT  - 3
from		1999, october 3, 02:00 AM 
until		2000, february 20, 02:00 AM
shift		+ 1 hour

I would be very pleased to hear from you. Thanks in advance.

> Paul
> __________________________________
> room:            VN 5.28            040 - 27 87 903
> E-mail:          Paul.Geelen at
> __________________________________

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