problems with the cedar web site

Galit Granot galitg at
Wed Sep 8 12:50:02 UTC 1999

As some of you know we mapped the gene for a certain genetic disease to
chromosome 22 using microsatelitte markers and linkage analysis. The
location of the markers which we used was obtained from the cedar web site
( According to the update of June 25
the interval containing the possible disease causing gene spanned between
markers D22S1167 (located at comp 32.626) and D22S282 (located at
41.750).According to the November 16 update the marker D22S1167 is now at
38.370 and the marker D22S282 is now at 45.040.In addition to that many
genes within this area moved slightly like PDGF THAT MOVED FROM
41.319 TO 44.727,some moved together with the markers to the telomeric end
for about 6Mb, some like OSM did not move at all from 32.776 and are now
flanked by entirely different markers,etc.
Even this November update does not correlate with our very interesting
laboratory findings.
Is it possible that these markers will "transpose" once more?

Sincerely Yours
Galit Rozenfeld Granot and Amos Toren

 ... bye bye from GALIT !!!                                            
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     E-mail:  galitg at       

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