Rumours about DST changes in Mexico

Jesper Nørgaard jnorgard at
Sun Dec 3 05:40:57 UTC 2000

I found an article that is 1 month old, about a daylight saving change in Mexico which Vicente Fox apparently has suggested before he came to power.

No changes have been implemented yet, but the new elected president Vicente Fox seems to agree with his presidential candidate opponent Labastida that daylight saving should not be discontinued, but maybe reduced with a couple of months, e.g. starting one month later and ending one month earlier:

unfortunately the article is in spanish, but it doesn't say much more than what I was referring, at least of interest to this mailing list. The article is from of October, e.g. right after leaving daylight saving in Mexico.

Details about implementation are not there, and I'm pretty sure the decision has not been taken yet. Vicente Fox just became acting president this Friday December 1, 2000. I wonder if they have taken into consideration the disadvantages of having 2 months of the year a different hour than similar zones in USA, the main receiver of exports from Mexico.

Jesper Nørgaard
Email: jnorgard at	
CIMMYT  -  Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo
Dirección: CIMMYT,  Lisboa 27,  06600  Mexico, D.F.
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