the last tz update of the millennium

Paul Eggert eggert at
Fri Dec 22 22:19:05 UTC 2000

> From: "Olson, Arthur David (NCI)" <olsona at>
> Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 15:39:28 -0500
> With providence, this is the last update of the millennium.

I agree with your hope about providence, but I can't resist mentioning
that most people say that we're already in the new millennium, and
they have good arguments.

For more on this subject please see Dick Teresi's article
``Zero'', in the July 1997 Atlantic Monthly, at:
There are some pretty heavyweight names on the side of origin-zero
millennia, including Cassini, Goethe, Hugo, and Maskelyne.

Also, the best currently available book on computer calendars uses
origin-zero.  See:

Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold,
Calendrical Calculations: The Millennium Edition
Cambridge University Press (June 2000)

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