IERS message No. 0

IERS Central Bureau central_bureau at
Fri Dec 29 17:02:03 UTC 2000

IERS Message No. 0                                          December, 29

Dear IERS contributors and users

As most of you have probably already heard, the International Earth Rotation
Service continues its operation from January 1, 2001 onwards with a new 
structure. This new structure is the result of an extended discussion
process for the renewal of the service that had started already in 1996 with
a workshop in Paris, resulted in a Call for Participation for the new IERS
1999 and culminated eventually in the final voting for the composition of
new Directing Board at the 32nd meeting of the old Directing Board in San
Francisco in December 2000.
After a successful period of more than 10 years of the old IERS, as
chairman of the old Directing Board I would like to wholeheartedly thank all
members of the old Directing Board and the old Central Bureau, but also all 
contributing individuals and organisations for their untiring efforts 
carrying out daily routines and also for their support of the planning and 
decision-taking for renewing the service.
I wish the new chairman Jan Vondrak, the new Directing Board and the new 
Central Bureau the very best success with steering the new IERS and all IERS
contributors and users a prosperous and happy year 2001!


Christoph Reigber
(Chairman of the IERS Directing Board until Dec. 31, 2000)

P.S. You will soon receive email information on the new structure of the
service from the new Central Bureau. A pre-glance you can take at the
homepage of the new IERS at

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