Time zone info in Tasmania for year 2000

Alam, Sim Sim.Alam at Central.tased.edu.au
Mon Jul 3 04:34:14 UTC 2000


Is the Time zone entry for the Year 2000 wrong in the Australasia time zone
file version 7.46? The last sunday in August 2000 is the 27th and not the
26th. Shouldn't the following be the right entries?
Rule	AN	2000	only	-	Aug	27	2:00s	1:00	-
Rule	AN	2001	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	-

Also, in the 7.46 version of the Australasia file Tasmania does not have any
entries for 2000 (see
http://www.thelaw.tas.gov.au/fragview/42++1968+GS3A@EN+2000070300 for more
info) :

Sim Alam

Information Management Branch
Department of Education
Level 2, 73 Murray Street
Hobart, Tasmania 7000
Ph: +61 3 6233 6900
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