FW: no DST time in Latvia

Olson, Arthur David (NCI) olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Mon Mar 6 14:27:48 UTC 2000

Note that Andrei is not on the time zone mailing list; be sure to direct any
replies appropriately.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Andrei Ivanov [SMTP:Andrei.Ivanov at Realogic.lv]
Sent:	Monday, March 06, 2000 6:28 AM
To:	tz at elsie.nci.nih.gov
Subject:	FYI: no DST time in Latvia


This year Latvia will not switch to Daylight Savings Time (as specified
in The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Rep. of Latvia of
29-Feb-2000 (#79)), so a minor patch [attached] may be applied to the 
'europe' file (as part of tzdata2000c.tar.gz package).

 <<Diff for europe>> 
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