Time zone changes due to Brazilian Summer Time

Paulo Alexandre Pinto Pires p at ppires.org
Wed Oct 4 03:22:14 UTC 2000

Dear sirs,

Below are the patches (with full comments) for adjusting zone
information for South America, due to Brazilian changing of beginning
and ending dates for adoption of summer time.  Patches can be applied to
version 7.36 (as available from ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov at 2000/10/04
00:00 GMT), and they are in unified diff format.

I am also sending the full altered file, as a GNU-zip compressed

        Paulo A. P. Pires -- p at ppires.org

--- /usr/src/share/zoneinfo/southamerica.orig   Tue Oct  3 22:03:37 2000
+++ /usr/src/share/zoneinfo/southamerica        Tue Oct  3 23:06:56 2000
@@ -367,8 +367,23 @@
 # adds SE, AL, PE, PR, RN, CE, PI, MA and RR.
 # These give only one year's rules.  After that, the rules are guesses
 # and are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all.
-Rule   Brazil  1999    max     -       Oct     Sun>=1   0:00   1:00    S
-Rule   Brazil  2000    max     -       Feb     lastSun  0:00   0       -
+Rule   Brazil  1999    only    -       Oct     Sun>=1   0:00   1:00    S
+Rule   Brazil  2000    only    -       Feb     lastSun  0:00   0       -
+# From Paulo A. P. Pires (2000-10-03)
+# Brazil changed rules once again.  Late decree with poor announcement
+# (even some telephone companies had their services one hour ahead of legal
+# for a short time).
+# According to sources in the Research Group on Energy, from the Institute of
+# Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, initial and final
+# summer time dates were not originally supposed to change from previous year,
+# but people in northern states don't like summer time (for the obvious reason
+# that is not as effective, but rather uncomfortable, near the Equator line).
+# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DEC3592.htm">3592</A> (2000/09/06) lists
+# the following states to obey summer time: RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, GO,
+# MT, MS, TO, BA, SE, AL, PE, RN, CE, PI, MA, RR and DF.
+Rule   Brazil  2000    max     -       Oct     Sun>=8   0:00   1:00    S
+Rule   Brazil  2001    max     -       Feb     Sun>=18  0:00   0       -

 # Zone NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]


... Qui habet aurem audiendi audiat quid Spiritus dicat ecclesiis.

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