week starts at Sunday or Monday??

Peter Verthez verthezp at nmasd.bel.alcatel.be
Wed Oct 4 11:43:53 UTC 2000

Janis.Papanagnou at varetis.de wrote:
> >On the other hand, in some languages (e.g., German: "Mittwoch"), the
> >word for Wednesday means literally "middle of the week", which would
> >imply a week-start of Sunday.
> The Greek week names Monday through Thursday (Deftera, Triti, Tetarti,
> Pempti - with apologies for maybe non-standard transliteration) contain
> the plain words 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, respectively.
> (Just for the record, and without saying this is in any context more or
> less correct than something else.)
> Janis

Just to add another piece of information without having to go to
foreign languages (although English is also foreign to me ;-) ).

Just have a look at the word "week-end": Saturday and Sunday is
there implied to be the "end of the week".  

But also, this is in a lot of West European languages the same: 
 - "weekeinde" in Dutch, 
 - "Wochenende" in German, 
 - "fin de la semaine" in French (also "week-end" BTW), 
 - "fine settimana" in Italian, 
 - "fin de semana" in Spanish.

Also, in Belgium, the week starts conventionally on a Monday.  

But again, the initial remark about cultural differences is very 

Peter Verthez                        mailto:Peter.Verthez at alcatel.be
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