
Jesper Nørgaard jnorgard at Prodigy.net.mx
Mon Sep 4 05:39:11 UTC 2000

Just a small spelling mistake in the note from Steffen Thorsen in the 'southamerica' file, I think "San Paulo" should be "Sao Paulo"

Jesper Nørgaard
Email: jnorgard at df1.telmex.net.mx	
CIMMYT  -  Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo
Dirección: CIMMYT,  Lisboa 27,  06600  Mexico, D.F.
Tel.:	+52 (5) 7267541  ext. 1374
Fax:	+52 (5) 7267558
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CIMMYT home page:  http://www.cimmyt.mx

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