Alternative place names
Vadim Vygonets
vadik at
Tue Sep 26 08:59:13 UTC 2000
Quoth Paul Eggert on Tue, Sep 26, 2000:
> Oscar van Vlijmen <o.van.vlijmen at> writes:
> > * China: Chungking: seems to me an old and wrong French transliteration of
> > Chongqing; the q is not a k-sound, but a ts-sound.
In Mandarin, it sounds more like 'ch' to me.
> Chungking is the traditional English name;
> (Postal) (Pinyin)
> Chungking Chongqing
> "Chungking" is somewhere in the middle -- still more popular than the
> Pinyin name in movie titles (e.g. Chungking Express [1994], a movie
> made in Hong Kong) but less popular in, say, English-language travel
> web sites produced in the PRC. For now I'm slightly inclined to leave
> it as "Chungking" for a little while longer, but put "Chongqing" in as
> a comment. Similarly for the other Postal names.
I just asked a Chinese guy, who says that Chongqing is the
official transliteration used in China. So maybe we should go
with the Chinese government.
> Szechuan Sichuan
Szechuan is food, not place.
> > * Kirgizstan: should be Kyrgyzstan.
> The official name indeed has "y" but I think "i" is quite popular in
> English.
'i' and 'y' are different sounds, at least in Russian. Kirgizia
and Kirgizstan are Russian names, Kyrgyzstan is Kyrgyzian
> > * Turkmenistan has since 1991 the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic.
> > I'm not sure if it's Ashkhabad or Ashgabat at the moment.
> Altavista says that Ashgabat is much more common, and the CIA uses
> Ashgabat. This looks like we should change the name too.
Yes, probably. It's Turkmenian name.
> Ho Chi Minh City aka Saigon is far more populous than Hanoi, so that's
> why we use it. (Just as we use Los Angeles and not Sacramento. :-)
However, Asia/Jerusalem and not Asia/Tel_Aviv is the official
time zone for Israel.
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