Proposal: API for thread-safe time zone functions
Clive D.W. Feather
clive at
Fri Jun 8 15:10:59 UTC 2001
Garrett Wollman said:
>> struct timezone; // Opaque structure
>> typedef struct timezone timezone_t; // Opaque typedef
> Not at all. That typedef is not opaque, it is entirely transparent,
> and simply resolves to an incomplete structure. Consider the
> following two-line compilation unit:
> struct timezone *foo; // Compiles fine...
> timezone_t foo; // Syntax error!
Not a syntax error, a declaration error. Try:
clive at finch-staff-1> cat xx.c
struct timezone;
typedef struct timezone timezone_t;
struct timezone s;
struct timezone *sp;
extern struct timezone es;
extern struct timezone *esp;
timezone_t t;
timezone_t *tp;
extern timezone_t et;
extern timezone_t *etp;
clive at finch-staff-1> cc xx.c
xx.c:4: storage size of `s' isn't known
xx.c:8: storage size of `t' isn't known
clive at finch-staff-1>
Nothing to do with typedef or not, just to do with the rules for
>> You *are* using public and private headers, aren't you ? That is, users
>> of your library include <timezone.h>
> No, users of my library include <foo.h>. It defines some interfaces
> which take a timezone parameter.
So in foo.h write the one line:
typedef struct timezone timezone_t;
End of story.
Clive D.W. Feather | Work: <clive at> | Tel: +44 20 8371 1138
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