proposed tz patch for Tonga, Thule, Kazakhstan, China, etc.

Paul Eggert eggert at
Mon Jan 14 23:24:54 UTC 2002

Here are some proposed patches to the tz database that I've been
accumulating.  I haven't had a chance to think through all my
tz-related mail (sorry!) but Arthur David Olson wrote that he'd like
to do a release soon, so here's what I have right now.

* The Tonga daylight-saving rules seem to be systematic since November
  2000, though these things are hard to predict.  (Thanks to Rives
  McDow for this info.)

* Thule uses American DST rules.  (Thanks to Rives McDow for
  contacting someone at Thule about this, and for confirming some of
  the other Greenland info.)

* Kazakhstan switches using the Russian rules, not at midnight.
  (Thanks to German Iofis for this.)  Also, incorporate claims by
  Shanks about time zone changes in Kazakhstan in 1989, 1991, and
  1992.  This results in new zone entries Asia/Qyzylorda and Asia/Oral.

* Use comments that are less confusing for people in China.
  (Thanks to Anthony Fok for this.)

* Use time zone abbreviations that are more historically accurate for pre-1980
  time zones in China.  (Thanks to Anthony Fok for this.)

* Rename Asia/Macao to the more popular name Asia/Macau, with a
  backward compatibility link.  (Thanks to Anthony Fok for this.)

* Install tzselect, since we already install its man page.
  (Thanks to prj at for noting the problem.)

* Update obsolete link in tz-link.htm.

RCS file: RCS/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 2001.3
retrieving revision 2001.3.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.3 -r2001.3.0.1
--- Makefile	2001/06/05 17:48:21	2001.3
+++ Makefile	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.3.0.1
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ TOPDIR=		/usr/local
 TZDIR=		$(TOPDIR)/etc/zoneinfo
-# The "zic" and "zdump" commands get installed in. . .
+# The "tzselect", "zic", and "zdump" commands get installed in. . .
@@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ ENCHILADA=	$(DOCS) $(SOURCES) $(DATA) $(
 SHELL=		/bin/sh
-all:		zic zdump $(LIBOBJS)
+all:		tzselect zic zdump $(LIBOBJS)
-ALL:		all date tzselect
+ALL:		all date
 install:	all $(DATA) $(REDO) $(TZLIB) $(MANS) $(TABDATA)
 		$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) \
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ install:	all $(DATA) $(REDO) $(TZLIB) $(
 		-rm -f $(TZDIR)/ $(TZDIR)/
 		cp $(TZDIR)/.
 		-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(ETCDIR)
-		cp zic zdump $(ETCDIR)/.
+		cp tzselect zic zdump $(ETCDIR)/.
 		-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(MANDIR) \
 			$(MANDIR)/man3 $(MANDIR)/man5 $(MANDIR)/man8
 		-rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/newctime.3 \
RCS file: RCS/asia,v
retrieving revision 2001.4
retrieving revision 2001.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.4 -r2001.4.0.1
--- asia	2001/10/09 17:31:30	2001.4
+++ asia	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.4.0.1
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Zone	Asia/Phnom_Penh	6:59:40 -	LMT	1906 
 # China is across 4 physical time zones, before Feb 1, 1986 only the
 # Peking (Bejing) time zone was recognized.  Since that date, China
 # has two of 'em -- Peking's and Urumqi (named after the capital of
-# the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region).  I don't know about DST for it.
+# the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region).  I don't know about DST for it.
 # . . .I just deleted the DST table and this editor makes it too
 # painful to suck in another copy..  So, here is what I have for
@@ -200,26 +200,38 @@ Rule	PRC	1949	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	0	S
 Rule	PRC	1986	only	-	May	 4	0:00	1:00	D
 Rule	PRC	1986	1991	-	Sep	Sun>=11	0:00	0	S
 Rule	PRC	1987	1991	-	Apr	Sun>=10	0:00	1:00	D
+# From Anthony Fok (2001-12-20):
+# BTW, I did some research on-line and found some info regarding these five
+# historic timezones from some Taiwan websites.  And yes, there are official
+# Chinese names for these locales (before 1949):
+# Changbai Time ("Long-white Time", Long-white = Heilongjiang area)
 Zone	Asia/Harbin	8:26:44	-	LMT	1928 # or Haerbin
-			8:30	-	HART	1932 Mar # Harbin Time
+			8:30	-	CHAT	1932 Mar # Changbai Time
 			8:00	-	CST	1940
-			9:00	-	HART	1966 May
-			8:30	-	HART	1980 May
+			9:00	-	CHAT	1966 May
+			8:30	-	CHAT	1980 May
 			8:00	PRC	C%sT
+# Zhongyuan Time ("Central plain Time")
 Zone	Asia/Shanghai	8:05:52	-	LMT	1928
 			8:00	Shang	C%sT	1949
 			8:00	PRC	C%sT
+# Long-shu Time (probably due to Long and Shu being two names of that area)
 Zone	Asia/Chongqing	7:06:20	-	LMT	1928 # or Chungking
-			7:00	-	CHUT	1980 May # Chungking Time
+			7:00	-	LONT	1980 May # Long-shu Time
 			8:00	PRC	C%sT
+# Xin-zang Time ("Xinjiang-Tibet Time")
 Zone	Asia/Urumqi	5:50:20	-	LMT	1928 # or Urumchi
 			6:00	-	URUT	1980 May # Urumqi Time
 			8:00	PRC	C%sT
+# Kunlun Time
 Zone	Asia/Kashgar	5:03:56	-	LMT	1928 # or Kashi or Kaxgar
 			5:30	-	KAST	1940	 # Kashgar Time
 			5:00	-	KAST	1980 May
 			8:00	PRC	C%sT
 # Hong Kong (Xianggang)
 Rule	HK	1946	only	-	Apr	20	3:30	1:00	S
@@ -266,25 +278,25 @@ Rule	Taiwan	1980	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	S
 Zone	Asia/Taipei	8:06:00 -	LMT	1896 # or Taibei or T'ai-pei
 			8:00	Taiwan	C%sT
-# Macao (Macau, Aomen)
+# Macau (Macao, Aomen)
-Rule	Macao	1961	1962	-	Mar	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1961	1964	-	Nov	Sun>=1	3:30	0	-
-Rule	Macao	1963	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1964	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1965	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1965	only	-	Oct	31	0:00	0	-
-Rule	Macao	1966	1971	-	Apr	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1966	1971	-	Oct	Sun>=16	3:30	0	-
-Rule	Macao	1972	1974	-	Apr	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1972	1973	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
-Rule	Macao	1974	1977	-	Oct	Sun>=15	3:30	0	-
-Rule	Macao	1975	1977	-	Apr	Sun>=15	3:30	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1978	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
-Rule	Macao	1978	1980	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
+Rule	Macau	1961	1962	-	Mar	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1961	1964	-	Nov	Sun>=1	3:30	0	-
+Rule	Macau	1963	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1964	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1965	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1965	only	-	Oct	31	0:00	0	-
+Rule	Macau	1966	1971	-	Apr	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1966	1971	-	Oct	Sun>=16	3:30	0	-
+Rule	Macau	1972	1974	-	Apr	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1972	1973	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
+Rule	Macau	1974	1977	-	Oct	Sun>=15	3:30	0	-
+Rule	Macau	1975	1977	-	Apr	Sun>=15	3:30	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1978	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
+Rule	Macau	1978	1980	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
-Zone	Asia/Macao	7:34:20 -	LMT	1912
-			8:00	Macao	MO%sT	1999 Dec 20 # return to China
+Zone	Asia/Macau	7:34:20 -	LMT	1912
+			8:00	Macau	MO%sT	1999 Dec 20 # return to China
 			8:00	PRC	C%sT
@@ -817,31 +829,71 @@ Zone	Asia/Amman	2:23:44 -	LMT	1931
 # Guess that Aqtau and Aqtobe diverged in 1995, since that's the first time
 # IATA SSIM mentions a third time zone in Kazakhstan.
+# From Paul Eggert (2001-10-18):
+# German Iofis, ELSI, Almaty (2001-10-09) reports that Kazakhstan uses
+# RussiaAsia rules, instead of switching at 00:00 as the IATA has it.
+# Go with Shanks, who has them always using RussiaAsia rules.
+# Also go with the following claims of Shanks:
+# - Kazakhstan did not observe DST in 1991.
+# - Qyzylorda switched from +5:00 to +6:00 on 1992-01-19 02:00.
+# - Oral switched from +5:00 to +4:00 in spring 1989.
+# Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata), representing most locations in Kazakhstan
 Zone	Asia/Almaty	5:07:48 -	LMT	1924 May  2 # or Alma-Ata
-			5:00	-	ALMT	1957 Mar # Alma-Ata Time
-			6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
-			5:00	1:00	ALMST	1991 Sep 29 2:00s
-			5:00	-	ALMT	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
-			6:00 E-EurAsia	ALM%sT
+			5:00	-	ALMT	1930 Jun 21 # Alma-Ata Time
+			6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT	1991
+			6:00	-	ALMT	1992
+			6:00 RussiaAsia	ALM%sT
+# Qyzylorda (aka Kyzylorda, Kizilorda, Kzyl-Orda, etc.)
+Zone	Asia/Qyzylorda	4:21:52 -	LMT	1924 May  2
+			4:00	-	KIZT	1930 Jun 21 # Kizilorda Time
+			5:00	-	KIZT	1981 Apr  1
+			5:00	1:00	KIZST	1981 Oct  1
+			6:00	-	KIZT	1982 Apr  1
+			5:00 RussiaAsia	KIZ%sT	1991
+			5:00	-	KIZT	1991 Dec 16 # independence
+			5:00	-	QYZT	1992 Jan 19 2:00
+			6:00 RussiaAsia	QYZ%sT
+# Aqtobe (aka Aktobe, formerly Akt'ubinsk)
 Zone	Asia/Aqtobe	3:48:40	-	LMT	1924 May  2
-			4:00	-	AKT	1957 Mar # Aktyubinsk Time
-			5:00 RussiaAsia AK%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
-			4:00	1:00	AKTST	1991 Sep 29 2:00s
-			4:00	-	AQTT	1992 Jan 19 2:00s # Aqtobe Time
-			5:00 E-EurAsia	AQT%sT
-Zone	Asia/Aqtau	3:21:04	-	LMT	1924 May  2 # or Aktau
-			4:00	-	SHET	1957 Mar # Fort Shevchenko Time
-			5:00 RussiaAsia SHE%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
-			4:00	1:00	AQTST	1991 Sep 29 2:00s
-			4:00	-	AQTT	1992 Jan 19 2:00s # Aqtau Time
-			5:00 E-EurAsia	AQT%sT	1995 Sep lastSun
-			4:00 E-EurAsia	AQT%sT
+			4:00	-	AKTT	1930 Jun 21 # Aktyubinsk Time
+			5:00	-	AKTT	1981 Apr  1
+			5:00	1:00	AKTST	1981 Oct  1
+			6:00	-	AKTT	1982 Apr  1
+			5:00 RussiaAsia	AKT%sT	1991
+			5:00	-	AKTT	1991 Dec 16 # independence
+			5:00 RussiaAsia	AQT%sT	# Aqtobe Time
+# Mangghystau
+# Aqtau was not founded until 1963, but it represents an inhabited region,
+# so include time stamps before 1963.
+Zone	Asia/Aqtau	3:21:04	-	LMT	1924 May  2
+			4:00	-	FORT	1930 Jun 21 # Fort Shevchenko T
+			5:00	-	FORT	1963
+			5:00	-	SHET	1981 Oct  1 # Shevchenko Time
+			6:00	-	SHET	1982 Apr  1
+			5:00 RussiaAsia	SHE%sT	1991
+			5:00	-	SHET	1991 Dec 16 # independence
+			5:00 RussiaAsia	AQT%sT	1995 Sep lastSun # Aqtau Time
+			4:00 RussiaAsia	AQT%sT
+# West Kazakhstan
+Zone	Asia/Oral	3:25:24	-	LMT	1924 May  2 # or Ural'sk
+			4:00	-	URAT	1930 Jun 21 # Ural'sk time
+			5:00	-	URAT	1981 Apr  1
+			5:00	1:00	URAST	1981 Oct  1
+			6:00	-	URAT	1982 Apr  1
+			5:00 RussiaAsia	URA%sT	1989 Mar 26 2:00
+			4:00 RussiaAsia	URA%sT	1991
+			4:00	-	URAT	1991 Dec 16 # independence
+			4:00 RussiaAsia	ORA%sT	# Oral Time
 # Kyrgyzstan (Kirgizstan)
 # Transitions through 1991 are from Shanks.
-Rule	Kirgiz	1992	1996	-	Apr	Sun>=7	0:00	1:00	S
+Rule	Kirgiz	1992	1996	-	Apr	Sun>=7	0:00s	1:00	S
 Rule	Kirgiz	1992	1996	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	-
 Rule	Kirgiz	1997	max	-	Mar	lastSun	2:30	1:00	S
 Rule	Kirgiz	1997	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:30	0	-
RCS file: RCS/australasia,v
retrieving revision 2001.4
retrieving revision 2001.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.4 -r2001.4.0.1
--- australasia	2001/10/09 17:31:30	2001.4
+++ australasia	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.4.0.1
@@ -399,10 +399,8 @@ Zone	Pacific/Fakaofo	-11:24:56 -	LMT	190
 Rule	Tonga	1999	only	-	Oct	 7	2:00s	1:00	S
 Rule	Tonga	2000	only	-	Mar	19	2:00s	0	-
-Rule	Tonga	2000	only	-	Nov	 4	2:00s	1:00	S
-Rule	Tonga	2001	only	-	Jan	27	2:00s	0	-
-Rule	Tonga	2001	only	-	Nov	25	2:00s	1:00	S
-Rule	Tonga	2002	only	-	Mar	 3	2:00s	0	-
+Rule	Tonga	2000	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
+Rule	Tonga	2001	max	-	Jan	lastSun	2:00	0	-
 Zone Pacific/Tongatapu	12:19:20 -	LMT	1901
 			12:20	-	TOT	1941 # Tonga Time
@@ -1227,10 +1225,11 @@ Zone	Pacific/Wallis	12:15:20 -	LMT	1901
 # From Rives McDow (2000-12-01):
 # Tonga is observing DST as of 2000-11-04 and will stop on 2001-01-27.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-07-17):
-# The Kingdom of Tonga will move to DST at 0200 local time on Sunday,
-# November 25, 2001 and revert back to standard time at 0300 local
-# time on Sunday, March 3, 2002.
+# From Sione Moala-Mafi (2001-09-20) via Rives McDow:
+# At 2:00am on the first Sunday of November, the standard time in the Kingdom
+# shall be moved forward by one hour to 3:00am.  At 2:00am on the last Sunday
+# of January the standard time in the Kingdom shall be moved backward by one
+# hour to 1:00am.
RCS file: RCS/backward,v
retrieving revision 2001.4
retrieving revision 2001.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.4 -r2001.4.0.1
--- backward	2001/10/09 17:31:30	2001.4
+++ backward	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.4.0.1
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Link	America/St_Thomas	America/Virgin
 Link	Asia/Ashgabat		Asia/Ashkhabad
 Link	Asia/Chongqing		Asia/Chungking
 Link	Asia/Dhaka		Asia/Dacca
+Link	Asia/Macau		Asia/Macao
 Link	Asia/Jerusalem		Asia/Tel_Aviv
 Link	Asia/Thimphu		Asia/Thimbu
 Link	Asia/Ulaanbaatar	Asia/Ulan_Bator
RCS file: RCS/europe,v
retrieving revision 2001.4
retrieving revision 2001.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.4 -r2001.4.0.1
--- europe	2001/10/09 17:31:31	2001.4
+++ europe	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.4.0.1
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 # and extending this list, which can be found in
 # <a href="">
 # History of legal time in Britain
-# </a> (2000-02-12).
+# </a>
 # From Joseph S. Myers <jsm28 at> (1998-01-06):
@@ -749,15 +749,53 @@ Zone Atlantic/Faeroe	-0:27:04 -	LMT	1908
 # In the military area near Thule and in Danmarkshavn DST will not be
 # introduced.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-09-29):
+# From Rives McDow (2001-11-01):
+# I correspond regularly with the Dansk Polarcenter, and wrote them at
+# the time to clarify the situation in Thule.  Unfortunately, I have
+# not heard back from them regarding my recent letter.  [But I have
+# info from earlier correspondence.]
+# According to the center, a very small local time zone around Thule
+# Air Base keeps the time according to UTC-4, implementing daylight
+# savings using North America rules, changing the time at 02:00 local time....
+# The east coast of Greenland north of the community of Scoresbysund
+# uses UTC in the same way as in Iceland, year round, with no dst.
+# There are just a few stations on this coast, including the
+# Danmarkshavn ICAO weather station mentioned in your September 29th
+# email.  The other stations are two sledge patrol stations in
+# Mestersvig and Daneborg, the air force base at Station Nord, and the
+# DPC research station at Zackenberg.
+# Scoresbysund and two small villages nearby keep time UTC-1 and use
+# the same daylight savings time period as in West Greenland (Godthab).
+# The rest of Greenland, including Godthab (this area, although it
+# includes central Greenland, is known as west Greenland), keeps time
+# UTC-3, with daylight savings methods according to European rules.
+# It is common procedure to use UTC 0 in the wilderness of East and
+# North Greenland, because it is mainly Icelandic aircraft operators
+# maintaining traffic in these areas.  However, the official status of
+# this area is that it sticks with Godthab time.  This area might be
+# considered a dual time zone in some respects because of this.
+# From Rives McDow (2001-11-19):
+# I heard back from someone stationed at Thule; the time change took place
+# there at 2:00 AM.
+# From Paul Eggert (2001-11-19):
 # The 1997 CIA map shows Danmarkshavn on GMT; the 1995 map as like Godthab.
 # For lack of better info, assume they were like Godthab before 1996.
-# The 2000 IATA shows Thule as observing DST, so assume they stopped in 2001.
+# says Thule does not observe DST, but this is clearly an error,
+# so go with Shanks for all Thule transitions.
-Rule	Thule	1993	2000	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
-Rule	Thule	1993	2000	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
+Rule	Thule	1991	1992	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
+Rule	Thule	1991	1992	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
+Rule	Thule	1993	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
+Rule	Thule	1993	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
 Zone America/Danmarkshavn -1:14:40 -	LMT	1916 Jul 28
RCS file: RCS/,v
retrieving revision 2000.7
retrieving revision 2000.7.0.1
diff -pu -r2000.7 -r2000.7.0.1
---	2000/10/10 15:35:18	2000.7
+++	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2000.7.0.1
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ MK	Macedonia
 ML	Mali
 MM	Myanmar (Burma)
 MN	Mongolia
-MO	Macao
+MO	Macau
 MP	Northern Mariana Islands
 MQ	Martinique
 MR	Mauritania
RCS file: RCS/tz-link.htm,v
retrieving revision 2001.4
retrieving revision 2001.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.4 -r2001.4.0.1
--- tz-link.htm	2001/10/09 17:31:32	2001.4
+++ tz-link.htm	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.4.0.1
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ specifies the time notation used in emai
 href="">HTTP</a> headers.</li>
 and Time on the Internet: Timestamps</a> proposes an ISO 8601 profile
 for use in new Internet protocols.</li>
RCS file: RCS/,v
retrieving revision 2001.4
retrieving revision 2001.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2001.4 -r2001.4.0.1
---	2001/10/09 17:31:32	2001.4
+++	2002/01/14 23:01:02	2001.4.0.1
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ CK	-2114-15946	Pacific/Rarotonga
 CL	-3327-07040	America/Santiago	most locations
 CL	-2710-10927	Pacific/Easter	Easter Island & Sala y Gomez
 CM	+0403+00942	Africa/Douala
-CN	+3114+12128	Asia/Shanghai	most eastern locations
+CN	+3114+12128	Asia/Shanghai	east China - Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, etc.
 CN	+4545+12641	Asia/Harbin	Heilongjiang
-CN	+2934+10635	Asia/Chongqing	central China
-CN	+4348+08735	Asia/Urumqi	Tibet & most of Xinjiang
-CN	+3929+07559	Asia/Kashgar	Eastern Turkestan
+CN	+2934+10635	Asia/Chongqing	central China - Gansu, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan, etc.
+CN	+4348+08735	Asia/Urumqi	Tibet & most of Xinjiang Uyghur
+CN	+3929+07559	Asia/Kashgar	southwest Xinjiang Uyghur
 CO	+0436-07405	America/Bogota
 CR	+0956-08405	America/Costa_Rica
 CU	+2308-08222	America/Havana
@@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ GF	+0456-05220	America/Cayenne
 GH	+0533-00013	Africa/Accra
 GI	+3608-00521	Europe/Gibraltar
 GL	+6411-05144	America/Godthab	most locations
-GL	+7646-01840	America/Danmarkshavn	Danmarkshavn
+GL	+7646-01840	America/Danmarkshavn	east coast, north of Scoresbysund
 GL	+7030-02215	America/Scoresbysund	Scoresbysund / Ittoqqortoormiit
-GL	+7634-06847	America/Thule	Thule / Pituffik and environs
+GL	+7634-06847	America/Thule	Thule / Pituffik
 GM	+1328-01639	Africa/Banjul
 GN	+0931-01343	Africa/Conakry
 GP	+1614-06132	America/Guadeloupe
@@ -214,9 +214,11 @@ KP	+3901+12545	Asia/Pyongyang
 KR	+3733+12658	Asia/Seoul
 KW	+2920+04759	Asia/Kuwait
 KY	+1918-08123	America/Cayman
-KZ	+4315+07657	Asia/Almaty	east Kazakhstan
-KZ	+5017+05710	Asia/Aqtobe	central Kazakhstan
-KZ	+4431+05016	Asia/Aqtau	west Kazakhstan
+KZ	+4315+07657	Asia/Almaty	most locations
+KZ	+4448+06528	Asia/Qyzylorda	Qyzylorda (Kyzylorda, Kzyl-Orda)
+KZ	+5017+05710	Asia/Aqtobe	Aqtobe (Aktobe)
+KZ	+4431+05016	Asia/Aqtau	Atyrau (Atirau, Gur'yev), Mangghystau (Mankistau)
+KZ	+5113+05121	Asia/Oral	West Kazakhstan
 LA	+1758+10236	Asia/Vientiane
 LB	+3353+03530	Asia/Beirut
 LC	+1401-06100	America/St_Lucia
@@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ MM	+1647+09610	Asia/Rangoon
 MN	+4755+10653	Asia/Ulaanbaatar	most locations
 MN	+4801+09139	Asia/Hovd	Bayan-Olgiy, Govi-Altai, Hovd, Uvs, Zavkhan
 MN	+4804+11430	Asia/Choibalsan	Dornod, Sukhbaatar
-MO	+2214+11335	Asia/Macao
+MO	+2214+11335	Asia/Macau
 MP	+1512+14545	Pacific/Saipan
 MQ	+1436-06105	America/Martinique
 MR	+1806-01557	Africa/Nouakchott

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