Antw: utility creating a dst cache

WHarms at WHarms at
Fri Aug 1 19:49:57 UTC 2003

hi chuck,
the modification time is store in the filesystem, for the more paranoid
you can use dnotify() an become informed when ever the dir is used. fast
way is to store a checksum e.g. md5 and compare after a notify event.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Originalnachricht - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Von: Chuck Soper <chucks at>
Betreff: utility creating a dst cache
Datum: 01.08.03 21:43

I'm writing a utility that uses the tz database. One of the features 
is to quickly (via a cache saved to disk) display daylight saving 
times for a given year and tz location. If the tz package is updated 
then I will need to re-create my dst cache.

Is there a way to programmatically determine if the tz package has 
been updated since the last time I ran my utility? Is there a way to 
determine if a specific zoneinfo file has been updated?
Thanks, Chuck

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