tzdata version - Re: My confusion with Asia/Aqtau

Robbin Kawabata Robbin.Kawabata at
Mon Jul 28 16:43:08 UTC 2003

> the statement "I hope that I'm using version 2003a."
> indicates that we also need to include the tz version where the change was
> added.

How about adding a version file in the tzdata database, say _tz_version.txt,
that contains something like:

tzdata 2003a

_tz_version.txt could be a text file that is part of the tzdata source
tar file.  zic could install it to the /usr/lib/zoneinfo/ (or wherever)

Then zdump -V (new option) could read the _tz_version.txt file, and
print the version as "2003a".

An inconsistency is that the files in the /usr/lib/zoneinfo/ directory
are zoneinfo files, while _tz_version.txt is not.  A user (or
script) could try to set TZ=_tz_version.txt even though it is not a
valid zoneinfo file.  It could help to create a new src directory under
zoneinfo, that would contain source files.
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Subject: Re: My confusion with Asia/Aqtau
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