FW: Brazil zoneinfo corrections.

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo.lists at fabricadeideias.com
Fri Oct 17 21:04:15 UTC 2003

I would just like to correct two of the problem descriptions I sent before:

About item 2 below:

The changes I made regard the ending of DST time at 1966, not the 
begining of DST time. The fix in the patch is ok.

About item 5 below:

The previous zone description for the America/Sao_Paulo zone had a 
special spurious line fixing DST up to the _BEGINING_ of 1964, not 
_DURING_THE_WHOLE_ year of 1964 as I mentioned before. The fix in the 
patch is ok.

Thanks again for your attention,

Rodrigo Severo

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) wrote:

>Rodrigo Severo has been added to the time zone mailing list since this
>message was received.
>				--ado
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rodrigo Severo [mailto:rodrigo.lists at fabricadeideias.com] 
>Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 7:31 PM
>To: tz at lecserver.nci.nih.gov
>Subject: Brazil zoneinfo corrections.
>Dear list,
>First of all, I would like to apologize for the confusion I might have 
>caused with my previous emails. The corrections for the brazilian rules 
>and zones I sent where already included in tzdata. I hope this haven't 
>created any problems.
>Now I send another set of corrections for the brazilian tz data. I have 
>just finished a full review of its rules and zoneinfo from the decrees 
>list at the Brazilian National Observatory (main source of time info in 
>Brazil, the same source already used by previous authors) with the 
>following  problems identified and corrected:
>1. The effects of decrees 52700 (1963-10-18) and 53071 (1963-12-03) 
>weren't correctly represented by the data as what they really have done 
>was to make a set of states start DST at 1963-10-23 00:00 and the rest 
>of the country to start DST at 1963-12-09 00:00.
>Fix: change the rule and all affected zones (almost all of them). Also 
>had to create a new Brasilia zone to acomodate the diferences between 
>Sao_Paulo zone and Goias (GO), Distrito Federal (DF), Parana (PR), Santa 
>Catarina (SC), Rio Grande do Sul (RS).
>2. The starting time of DST for 1966 was wrong as the 57843 decree 
>stablishes that DST shall begin at 1966-03-01 01:00 and on 1st of March 
>00:00 from 1967 and on.
>Fix: new rule for DST start at 1966.
>3. Decree 1252 (1994-09-22) defines that the previous states minus AM 
>_AND_ MT states would have DST during 1994/1995 summer. The author of 
>the previous comment probably relied on the Brazilian National 
>Observatory resume of the decree - which is wrong - and not on the 
>actual decree itself (also available at the Brazilian National 
>Observatory site).
>Fix: America/Cuiaba zone fix.
>4. Fernando de Noronha island had wrong timezone info as it should 
>include all DSTs for the Pernambuco state after 1988 as Fernando de 
>Noronha island became part of the Pernambuco state after the brazilian 
>contitution of 1988. If someone has any doubt about it, please check 
>decree 96676 (pre 1988) which clearly includes Pernambuco state, 
>Fernando de Noronha and Atlantic islands. Compare with decree 98077 (pos 
>1988) which clearly includes Pernambuco state and Atlantic islands 
>(doesn't mention Fernando de Noronha because it already mentioned 
>Fix: Include all DSTs for Pernambuco after 1988 and create new zone 
>Atol_das_Rocas for the atlantic islands. Maybe this new zone should be 
>called Brazilian_Atlantic_Islands? Too long?
>5. America/Sao_Paulo zone had a DST during the whole 1964. I can't see 
>where it came from. There is no decree mentioning it.
>Fix: Remove it spurious zone info.
>The patch I am including here is based on the data available at 
>ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/ dated 10/06/2003 01:41:00 PM.
>If someone has any comments on these changes, please send a copy to my 
>personal email as I not sure if I am already subscribed to this list.
>Thanks in advance for your attention,
>Rodrigo Severo

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