FW: Europe/Paris timezone bug

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Thu Oct 30 12:35:31 UTC 2003

Jason Parks is not on the time zone list; direct replies appropriately.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Parks [mailto:jason.parks at palmsource.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:17 PM
To: arthur_david_olson at nih.gov
Cc: Dianne Hackborn
Subject: Europe/Paris timezone bug


There appears to be a bug in the timezone libraries(i've tested against 
localtime.c	7.76) when dealing with Daylight Saving Time and the France 
timezone. Daylight saving goes into effect at 3:00am instead of 2:00am. 
Below I have attached simple test case.

This is the output of the test I ran on both Mac(10.2.8) and PalmSim

bash-2.05a$ TZ="Europe/Paris" ./a.out
when = 0x3f9b0e44 is_dst = 1 zone = CEST Sun Oct 26 01:59:00 2003 when =
0x3f9b0e80 is_dst = 1 zone = CEST Sun Oct 26 02:00:00 2003 when = 0x3f9b11c8
is_dst = 1 zone = CEST Sun Oct 26 02:14:00 2003 when = 0x3f9b2014 is_dst = 0
zone = CET Sun Oct 26 02:15:00 2003

You will notice that the difference between 02:14:00 and 02:15:00 is 3660 
which is 61 minutes. If you set the device to 2:14 and wait 46 minutes it 
will change the time back to 02:00.

There should be no difference in setting the time to 02:00, 02:14, or 
02:15 since anytime after 02:00 should fall outside of Daylight Saving 
Time on this date.



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