Time Zone Localizations

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Fri Jun 11 01:11:51 UTC 2004

On Jun 10, 2004, at 12:04 PM, Mark Davis wrote:

> I'd very much appreciate any feedback on the proposal.

Some of the countries listed as missing zones are:

	Bouvet Island - an uninhabited volcanic island, almost entirely  
covered by glaciers, controlled by Norway, and designated as a nature  
reserve, according to


	I don't know if the automated meteorological station on the island  
cares about time zones or not.

	Heard Island and McDonald Islands - uninhabited, barren, sub-Antarctic  
islands now controlled by Australia, designated as a nature preserve,  
according to


	They don't even mention any automated meteorological stations, just  
seals and birds.

	Yugoslavia - it's now Serbia and Montenegro.  Europe/Belgrade is the  
correct zone for it.

Some of the time zones listed as missing countries are:

	Europe/Belgrade: Serbia and Montenegro, which has the ISO 3166-1  
Alpha-2 code CS, according to


	Asia/Riyadh{87,88,89}: Saudi Arabia, SA - those are historical, from  
an era when Saudi Arabia used solar time, and apply only to Riyadh  
(and, if you're really fussy, to a particular location in Riyadh, I  
guess), so they're not appropriate for Saudi Arabia as a whole.  I  
don't know what names you'd give them.

Etc/GMT{[+-]N} are just for fixed GMT offsets; they don't correspond to  

WET, CET, MET, and EET "are for backward compatibility with older  
versions"; various Europe/XXX rules should presumably be used instead -  
I guess you could pick cities for each of them.

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