proposed tz patch for Argentina, Aaland Islands, etc.

Paul Eggert eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU
Mon Jun 14 08:02:44 UTC 2004

Here's a proposed patch to the tz database.  It changes the Argentina
data to reflect the June 1 time zone changes reported by Mariano
Absatz.  This patch also adds support for the new country code AX.  To
support these things, this patch adds the following Zone or Link


This patch also removes a few broken links from tz-link.htm, and adds
a link to the new CLDR localization effort.

RCS file: RCS/europe,v
retrieving revision 2004.1
retrieving revision 2004.1.0.1
diff -pu -r2004.1 -r2004.1.0.1
--- europe	2004/05/27 16:00:30	2004.1
+++ europe	2004/06/14 07:46:16	2004.1.0.1
@@ -921,6 +921,10 @@ Zone	Europe/Helsinki	1:39:52 -	LMT	1878 
 			2:00	Finland	EE%sT	1981 Mar 29 2:00
 			2:00	EU	EE%sT
+# Aaland Is
+Link	Europe/Helsinki	Europe/Mariehamn
 # France
 # From Ciro Discepolo (2000-12-20):
RCS file: RCS/southamerica,v
retrieving revision 2004.1
retrieving revision 2004.1.0.1
diff -pu -r2004.1 -r2004.1.0.1
--- southamerica	2004/05/27 16:00:30	2004.1
+++ southamerica	2004/06/14 07:46:16	2004.1.0.1
@@ -155,6 +155,19 @@ Rule	Arg	2000	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
 # </a> says that standard time in Argentina from 1894-10-31
 # to 1920-05-01 was -4:16:48.25.  Go with this more-precise value
 # over Shanks.
+# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-05):
+# These media articles from a major newspaper mostly cover the current state:
+# The following eight (8) provinces pulled clocks back to UTC-04:00 at
+# midnight Monday May 31st. (that is, the night between 05/31 and 06/01).
+# Apparently, all nine provinces would go back to UTC-03:00 at the same
+# time in October 17th.
+# Catamarca, Chubut, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz,
+# Tierra del Fuego, Tucum
 # Unless otherwise specified, data are from Shanks through 1992, from
 # the IATA otherwise.  As noted below, Shanks says that
@@ -163,8 +176,7 @@ Rule	Arg	2000	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
-# Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF), Santa Cruz (SC),
-# Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur (TF)
+# Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF),
 Zone America/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 -	LMT	1894 Oct 31
 			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
 			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
@@ -174,24 +186,37 @@ Zone America/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 -	LMT
 			-3:00	-	ART
 # Santa Fe (SF), Entre Rios (ER), Corrientes (CN), Misiones (MN), Chaco (CC),
-# Formosa (FM), Salta (SA), Tucuman (TM), Santiago del Estero (SE),
-# Cordoba (CB), La Rioja (LR), San Juan (SJ), San Luis (SL), La Pampa (LP),
-# Neuquen (NQ), Rio Negro (RN), Chubut (CH)
+# Formosa (FM), Salta (SA), Santiago del Estero (SE), Cordoba (CB),
+# La Pampa (LP), Neuquen (NQ), Rio Negro (RN)
 # Shanks also makes the following claims, which we haven't verified:
 # - Formosa switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-07.
-# - La Rioja and San Juan switched to -4:00 on 1991-03-01
-#   and then to -3:00 on 1991-05-07.
 # - Misiones switched to -3:00 on 1990-12-29.
 # - Chaco switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-04.
-# - San Luis switched to -4:00 on 1990-03-14, then to -3:00 on 1990-10-15,
-#   then to -4:00 on 1991-03-01, then to -3:00 on 1991-06-01.
 # - Santiago del Estero switched to -4:00 on 1991-04-01,
 #   then to -3:00 on 1991-04-26.
+Zone America/Cordoba	-4:16:48 -	LMT	1894 Oct 31
+			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
+			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
+			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
+			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  3
+			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
+			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
+			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
+			-3:00	-	ART
+# Tucuman (TM), La Rioja (LR), San Juan (SJ), San Luis (SL), Chubut (CH)
+# Shanks also makes the following claims, which we haven't verified:
+# - La Rioja and San Juan switched to -4:00 on 1991-03-01
+#   and then to -3:00 on 1991-05-07.
+# - San Luis switched to -4:00 on 1990-03-14, then to -3:00 on 1990-10-15,
+#   then to -4:00 on 1991-03-01, then to -3:00 on 1991-06-01.
 # If we need to add Zones for these areas, we may need to have a subdirectory
 # for Argentina, as e.g. "America/San_Luis" is too ambiguious.
-Zone America/Cordoba	-4:16:48 -	LMT	1894 Oct 31
+Zone America/Tucuman	-4:20:52 -	LMT	1894 Oct 31
 			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
 			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
 			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
@@ -199,6 +224,8 @@ Zone America/Cordoba	-4:16:48 -	LMT	1894
 			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
 			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
 			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
+			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
+			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Oct 17
 			-3:00	-	ART
 # Jujuy (JY)
@@ -224,6 +251,8 @@ Zone America/Catamarca	-4:23:08 -	LMT	18
 			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
 			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
 			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
+			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
+			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Oct 17
 			-3:00	-	ART
 # Mendoza (MZ)
@@ -242,6 +271,17 @@ Zone America/Mendoza	-4:35:16 -	LMT	1894
 			-3:00	-	ART	2004 May 23
 			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Oct 17
 			-3:00	-	ART
+# Santa Cruz (SC), Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur (TF)
+Zone America/Rio_Gallegos -4:36:52 -	LMT	1894 Oct 31
+			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
+			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
+			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
+			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
+			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
+			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
+			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Oct 17
+			-3:00	-	ART
 # Aruba
RCS file: RCS/,v
retrieving revision 2003.5
retrieving revision 2003.5.0.1
diff -pu -r2003.5 -r2003.5.0.1
---	2003/12/15 14:36:37	2003.5
+++	2004/06/14 07:46:16	2003.5.0.1
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 # @(#)	1.14
-# From Paul Eggert <eggert at> (2003-02-04):
+# From Paul Eggert <eggert at> (2004-06-14):
 # This file contains a table with the following columns:
 # 1.  ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, current as of
-#     ISO 3166-1 Newsletter No. V-8 (2003-07-23).  See:
+#     ISO 3166-1 Newsletter No. V-10 (2004-04-26).  See:
 #     <a href="">
 #     ISO 3166 Maintenance agency (ISO 3166/MA)
 #     </a>.
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ AS	Samoa (American)
 AT	Austria
 AU	Australia
 AW	Aruba
+AX	Aaland Islands
 AZ	Azerbaijan
 BA	Bosnia & Herzegovina
 BB	Barbados
RCS file: RCS/,v
retrieving revision 2003.4
retrieving revision 2003.4.0.1
diff -pu -r2003.4 -r2003.4.0.1
---	2003/10/06 13:32:21	2003.4
+++	2004/06/14 07:46:16	2003.4.0.1
@@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ AQ	-6617+11031	Antarctica/Casey	Casey St
 AQ	-7824+10654	Antarctica/Vostok	Vostok Station, S Magnetic Pole
 AQ	-6640+14001	Antarctica/DumontDUrville	Dumont-d'Urville Base, Terre Adelie
 AQ	-690022+0393524	Antarctica/Syowa	Syowa Station, E Ongul I
-AR	-3436-05827	America/Buenos_Aires	E Argentina (BA, DF, SC, TF)
-AR	-3124-06411	America/Cordoba	most locations (CB,CC,CH,CN,ER,FM,LP,LR,MN,NQ,RN,SA,SE,SF,SJ,SL,TM)
+AR	-3436-05827	America/Buenos_Aires	Buenos Aires (BA, CF)
+AR	-3124-06411	America/Cordoba	most locations (CB, CC, CN, ER, FM, LP, MN, NQ, RN, SA, SE, SF)
+AR	-3124-06411	America/Tucuman	Tucuman, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Chubut (CH, LR, SJ, SL, TM)
 AR	-2411-06518	America/Jujuy	Jujuy (JY)
 AR	-2828-06547	America/Catamarca	Catamarca (CT)
 AR	-3253-06849	America/Mendoza	Mendoza (MZ)
+AR	-5138-06913	America/Rio_Gallegos	Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego (SC, TF)
 AS	-1416-17042	Pacific/Pago_Pago
 AT	+4813+01620	Europe/Vienna
 AU	-3133+15905	Australia/Lord_Howe	Lord Howe Island
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ AU	-3455+13835	Australia/Adelaide	South 
 AU	-1228+13050	Australia/Darwin	Northern Territory
 AU	-3157+11551	Australia/Perth	Western Australia
 AW	+1230-06858	America/Aruba
+AX	+6006+01957	Europe/Mariehamn
 AZ	+4023+04951	Asia/Baku
 BA	+4352+01825	Europe/Sarajevo
 BB	+1306-05937	America/Barbados
RCS file: RCS/tz-link.htm,v
retrieving revision 2004.1
retrieving revision 2004.1.0.1
diff -pu -r2004.1 -r2004.1.0.1
--- tz-link.htm	2004/05/27 16:00:30	2004.1
+++ tz-link.htm	2004/06/14 07:46:16	2004.1.0.1
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content='text/html; charset="US-ASCII"' />
 <meta name="DC.Creator" content="Eggert, Paul" />
 <meta name="DC.Contributor" content="Olson, Arthur David" />
-<meta name="DC.Date" content="2004-05-24" />
+<meta name="DC.Date" content="2004-06-14" />
 <meta name="DC.Description"
  content="Sources of information about time zones and daylight saving time" />
 <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="" />
@@ -109,9 +109,6 @@ World</a></li>
 <li><a href="">Current Time in 1000 Places</a></li>
 <li><a href="">Time Zone Converter</a></li>
-<li><a href="">The Worldwide Holiday
-& Festival Site</a> lists DST-related clock changes along with
 <li><a href="">The World Clock -
 Time Zones</a>
 is a web interface to a time zone database derived from
@@ -152,9 +149,8 @@ contains a script <code>parse_olson</cod
 <code>tz</code> source into <a href="">Perl</a>
 modules. It is part of the Perl <a
 href="">DateTime Project</a>, which is freely
-available under both the GPL and the Perl <a
-License</a>. DateTime::TimeZone also contains a script
+available under both the GPL and the Perl Artistic
+License. DateTime::TimeZone also contains a script
 <code>tests_from_zdump</code> that generates test cases for each clock
 transition in the <code>tz</code> database.</li>
 <li><a href="">International Components for
@@ -184,7 +180,7 @@ is a <code>tz</code> binary file reader 
 href="">Python</a>. It is freely available
 under a BSD-style license.</li>
-<h2>Other <code>tz</code>-based time zone conversion software</h2>
+<h2>Other <code>tz</code>-based time zone conversion software and standards</h2>
 <li><a href="">Sun Java</a> releases since 1.4
 contain a copy of a recent <samp>tz</samp> database in a Java-specific
@@ -195,10 +191,16 @@ time zones calculator</a> is a HyperCard
 href="">World Time Explorer</a> is a
 Microsoft Windows program.</li>
+Zone Localization</a> is a proposed mechanism for localizing time zone
+labels and abbreviations; for example, one might use it to specify
+Russian translations for "Eastern European Summer Time", "EEST", and
 <h2>Other time zone databases</h2>
-<li><a href="">Atlas Query
+<li><a href="">Atlas Query
 - Astrodienst</a> is Astrodienst's Web version of Shanks's
 excellent time zone history atlases published in both <a
 href="">computer</a> and <a
@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ for the <code>usno*</code> files in the 
 <li><a href="">Airlines, Airplanes
 and Airports</a> lists current standard times for thousands of
 airports around the world. This seems to be derived from
-the <a href="">Standard
+the <a href="">Standard
 Schedules Information Manual (SSIM)</a> of the
 the <a href="">International Air Transport
@@ -252,9 +254,7 @@ boundaries between time zones within cou
 <li>'s <a
 href="">Free Maps and
 GIS Data</a> includes a Manifold-format map of world time zone
-boundaries distributed under the GPL. The GeoCommunity's <a
-Time Zones</a> publishes the same data in other formats.</li>
+boundaries distributed under the GPL.</li>
 <li>The US Geological Survey's National Atlas of the United States
 publishes the <a href="">Time
 Zones of the United States</a> in the public domain.</li>

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