Timekeeping at Mount Washington Observatory

Dave Cantor dcantor at shore.net
Tue Nov 2 14:49:19 UTC 2004

Early this summer I had the occasion to visit the Mount 
Washington Observatory weather station atop (of course!) Mount 
Washington.  During the short tour, I noticed that their clock 
was an hour behind, and I commented on it.  One of the staff 
members said that the station was on Eastern Standard Time and 
didn't change their clocks for Daylight Saving.  They refer to 
"station time" and "valley time".  The staffer further said that 
officially speaking, you lose or gain an hour everytime you walk 
through that door (pointing to the exit) during the summer 
months.   They said that they stay on standard time so that their 
reports will always have times which are 5 hours behind UTC.

I doubt that this is of much interest here, but if anyone cares, 
they're on this list.

Dave C.

David A. Cantor
Groton, CT  06340-3731      DCantor at shore.net

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