Corrections to timezone database

David Keegel djk at
Sat Feb 5 23:54:09 UTC 2005

On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 02:55:32PM -0800, Mark Davis wrote:
> As far as we are concerned, the tzid is simply an internal tag, marking a
> region of the Earth that has the same timezone behavior, all the way back to
> the point in time where timezones started to be used instead of solar time.

The Theory file says:
   * Uniquely identify every national region where clocks have all
     agreed since 1970.

So change "all the way back to the point in time where timezones
started to be used instead of solar time" to "since the year 1970."

 David Keegel <djk at>
 Cybersource P/L: Linux/Unix Systems Administration Consulting/Contracting

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