IANA time zone registration - proposal

Doug Royer Doug at Royer.com
Mon Feb 7 19:12:17 UTC 2005

Mark Davis wrote:

> How are you approaching stability of tzids with iCalendar? Or is that not an
> issue in that domain?

It is not an issue. iCalendar is concerned with scheduling and 
coordinating between time zones. Our primary concern is getting
the information in a RFC-2445 VTIMEZONE format.

The computer program consuming these objects will not care if
TZ-A or TZ-B are related. It will just need to do the TZ math
and know that for the current user, on the 12th instance of the
meeting it is at UTC-4 or whatever.


Doug Royer                     | http://INET-Consulting.com

               We Do Standards - You Need Standards

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