Timezone Dates for Israel [2005 and beyond]
Ephraim Silverberg
ephraim at cse.huji.ac.il
Thu Feb 17 10:47:10 UTC 2005
>From now on, Daylight Saving Time in the State of Israel will commence
at 02:00 a.m. on the first Friday before April 2nd and will last until
02:00 a.m. on the first Sunday before the Jewish fast of Yom Kippur.
The proposed law amendment can be viewed (for those who read Hebrew) at:
Note that although the wording of the law is not final, its intent is --
a free translation of the text would read:
Every year, between the last Friday of the month of March,
at 02:00, and the last Sunday before the tenth of [the
Hebrew month of] Tishrei [i.e. the fast of Yom Kippur], at
02:00, the time in Israel will be made one hour earlier so
that it will precede Coordinated Universal Time by three
hours; in a year that the first of April falls on a Friday,
the time will be made earlier, in the manner mentioned, in
that year, on this day at 02:00.
Attached to this message are the context diffs for "tzdata2005e/asia".
I have also update the ZIC entry Emacs generator at:
although it does not use year-range short-hand notation and
produces explicit dates for each year.
Ephraim Silverberg, CSE System Group, Phone number: 972-2-6585521
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Fax number: 972-2-5617723
WWW: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~ephraim E-mail: ephraim at cse.huji.ac.il
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