Paraguay timezone rules

Jesper Norgaard Welen jnorgard at
Sun Jan 2 22:09:52 UTC 2005

There are several sources that claim that Paraguay made
a timezone rule change in autumn 2004, which not only
changed the date that Paraguay entered DST in 2004
but will also affect DST dates in 2005.

Steffen Thorsen on claimed
that Paraguay entered DST in autumn 2004 Sunday the of October and not Sunday of September as
would have been predicted by the TZ database. Now in
2005 it claims that Paraguay will enter DST 
Sunday the of October 2005 and not Sunday
of September as it would be according to the TZ database.

I tried to verify this with some internet searches, but
could only find one source that interestingly is 
updating the TZ rules in a local version.
The source is
and it claims the following rule for Paraguay:

# Rule  NAME      FROM  TO     TYPE  IN    ON	     AT    SAVE
Rule    Paraguay  2002  2003   -     Apr   Sun<=7    0:00  0      S
Rule    Paraguay  2002  2003   -     Sep   Sun<=7    0:00  1      D
Rule    Paraguay  2004  only   -     Apr   Sun<=7    0:00  0      S
Rule    Paraguay  2004  max    -     Oct   Sun>=15   0:00  1      D
Rule    Paraguay  2005  max    -     Mar   Sun>=8    0:00  0      S

The rule for "2004 to max" about when Paraguay enters DST, is
consistent with Steffen Thorsens dates for 2004 and 2005.
However, it also claims that Paraguay leaves DST at different 
dates now in 2005, at Second Sunday of March instead of First
Sunday of April. If this is true, even Steffen will have to
change his database.

I wonder if any of the members of the TZ mailing list can
confirm these facts. A quote from the exact text of the timezone
decrees corresponding would be the best, of course.

Jesper Nørgaard Welen

Jesper Nørgaard Welen
Email: jnorgard at	
Project Leader (Líder de Proyecto) Software
CIMMYT  -  Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo
Dirección: CIMMYT Int. c/o Jesper Nørgaard
Km. 45, Carretera México-Veracruz
El Batán
Texcoco, Edo. de México
CP 56130   MEXICO
Tel.:	+52 (5) 58-04-20-04  ext. 1374
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