FW: For TZ list

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Sun Jan 23 20:31:36 UTC 2005

Mark Brader is not on the time zone mailing list; direct replies


In a book that I'm currently reading¹, there is reproduced a Pan American
Airways timeables from 1936, for their weekly "Orient Express" flights
between San Francisco and Manila, and connecting flights to Chicago and the
US East Coast.  As it uses some time zone designations that I've never seen
before, I thought the readers of the tz list might be interested.  It's only
a few lines, so I'll type in the entire timetable (omitting the connecting
flights) for those of you might be interested.  In the original, AM and PM
are shown as light and bold type, and noon is N; I'll use A, P, and N
respectively here.

As with many railway timetables, the right-hand side reads upward.

 Wed. 3:00P Lv. SAN FRANCISCO (Alameda), U.S.A. P.S.T. Ar.10:30A Tues.
 Thur.8:30A Ar. HONOLOLU (Pearl Harbor), H.I.   H.L.T. Lv.12:00N Mon.
 Fri. 6:30A Lv. HONOLOLU (Pearl Harbor), H.I.   H.L.T. Ar. 5:30P Sun.
  "   3:00P Ar. MIDWAY ISLAND . . . . . . . . . M.L.T. Lv. 6:00A  "
 Sat. 6:00A Lv. MIDWAY ISLAND . . . . . . . . . M.L.T. Ar. 5:00P Sat.
                      (International Date Line)  Sun. 3:00P Ar. WAKE ISLANDS
. . . . . . . . . . 165°  Lv. 6:00A Sun.
 Mon. 6:00A Lv. WAKE ISLANDS . . . . . . . . . .  "    Ar. 7:00P Sat.
  "   5:00P Ar. GUAM ISLAND . . . . . . . . . .  150°  Lv. 6:00A  "
 Tue. 6:00A Lv. GUAM ISLAND . . . . . . . . . .   "    Ar. 6:30P Fri.
  "   5:00P Ar. MANILA (Cavite), P.I. . . . . .  120°  Lv. 4:00A* "
   *Departures from Manila subject to advancement to previous  afternoon as
occasion demands.
    All times are approximate other than at San Francisco Westbound  and at
Honolulu Eastbound.

Clearly 120°, 150°, and 165° indicate time zones -8, -10, and -11; I guess
H.L.T. and M.L.T. refer to Hawaii and Midway "Local Time".

¹Fallacies and Fantasies of Air Transport History, by R.E.G. Davies,
published 1994 by Paladwr Press, McLean, VA, USA; ISBN 0-9626483-5-3.
Mark Brader            "I like to think of [this] as self-explanatory."
Toronto                "I hope *I* think of [it] that way."
msb at vex.net                       -- Donald Westlake: "Trust Me On This"


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