No 1980 discrepancy in Denmark
Jesper Norgaard Welen
jnorgard at
Sun Jun 12 03:03:32 UTC 2005
>> in another related law, the effecting DST changes are stated
>> explicitly: to be from of April 1980 at 2.00 to of
>> September 1980 at 2.00. If this is true, this differs slightly from
>> the EU rule in that DST runs to 2.00, not 3.00.
> It would have been odd for the 1980 transitions to disagree with both
old Danish
> tradition (1945-1948) and with the then-current EU rules. For now, how
about if
> we assume that the 02:00 of the above source refers to standard time,
> wall-clock time, and so the EU rules were in effect?
It would indeed have been strange also to disagree with old Danish
tradition, but
I decided instead to take the investigation a bit further and contacted
a number of
danish newspapers by email. Unfortunately I did not get many answers,
but one was
conclusive, EU rules were indeed followed:
===================== BEGIN
Hej J. Nørgaard
Vedr. Sommertid som du har sendt en mail angående.
I Herning Folkeblad 1980, 26.september står der:
Natten mellem lørdag og søndag skal urene stilles ind på vintertid
eller rettere normaltid. Det betyder at natten bliver en time længere.
Rent praktisk foretages skiftet på den måde, at når klokken er tre
natten mellem lørdag og søndag stilles urene en time tilbage.
Venlig hilsen Anne-Marie Hansen e-mail: amh at
===================== END
This is a quote from Herning Folkeblad (News), the of September
Quoting from the end of the article the night between Saturday and
Sunday the clock is set back from three to two.
By the way, I agree with all of Paul Eggerts comments to my suggested
corrections to the tz database. I will probably send some more
observations on the tz database, but later at a more convenient time
(for me).
Just a little taster, I think that the Mataveri (Easter Island) time
zone change in 1982 was at of March 1982 21:00, instead of
of March at 0:00 as the tz database has it, which in reality means that
the actual time was changed from GMT-6 to GMT-7 and then back to GMT-6
four hours later. If the change had taken place at 21:00 the of
March, then there would be no actual time change, but the time would
stay as GMT-6 all of March in 1982 in Easter Island.
Jesper Nørgaard Welen
Email: jnorgard at
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