Multi-timezone clock
peter.verthez at
peter.verthez at
Mon Jun 13 06:50:14 UTC 2005
I still feel more comfortable with the top level of the TZIDs.
The most clear example for me is the situation with Russia:
at the one hand you have Europe/Moscow which is clearly felt to
be in Europe, at the other hand there is e.g. Asia/Kamchatka, which
should not be shown in Europe at all.
So, at the very least, the data of CLDR and the TZID top level needs
to be combined to avoid duplicate entries in a UI.
Mark Davis wrote:
> I would tend to agree on the NSEW split that the UN has, for some cases, in
> particular for Europe. Looking at
>, for
> example, they put the UK and Latvia in Northern Europe, while some might put
> the UK in Western and Latvia in Eastern.
> On the other hand, where someone did want to have a more manageable
> hierarchy of shorter lists in their UI, it might be a reasonable choice to
> start with the UN list. There is nothing to prevent a UI from using mutiple
> territory containments. For example, one might list Turkey under both Asia
> and Europe, so that it would appear in both lists.
> Mark
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Clive D.W. Feather" <clive at>
> To: "Mark Davis" <mark.davis at>
> Cc: <peter.verthez at>; <tz at>
> Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 09:14
> Subject: Re: Multi-timezone clock
>>Mark Davis said:
>>>I'm not saying that one should necessarily use all the levels of
> containment. It depends on other aspects of the UI. The 2nd level of the UN
> tree is actually reasonably close to the top level TZID arrangement.
>>> Europe [150]
>>> Eastern Europe [151]
>>> Northern Europe [154]
>>> Southern Europe [039]
>>> Western Europe [155]
>>I note that you are just copying the UN data, but that split into North,
>>South, East, and West Europe bears almost no relation to anything that
>>anyone uses in reality.
>>Clive D.W. Feather | Work: <clive at> | Tel: +44 20 8495
> 6138
>>Internet Expert | Home: <clive at> | Fax: +44 870 051
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>>Thus plc | |
Peter Verthez mailto:Peter.Verthez at
Systems Engineer Network Mgt. Tel: (+32) 3 240 84 50 | Alcanet:
Alcatel Telecom, dept. JN22 Fax: (+32) 3 240 84 59 | (6)2605
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